Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...welllll


Jan 12, 2012
DFW Texas
Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...welllll

We just got home yesterday from a real nice road trip up in Colorado.
I will try and post some pics later when I figure out how to download them.

Point of this string is to say:
Some of us get picked on or hear snide comments about riding trikes, guess what.

We were stopped at a small town toping off to start our ride back to Texas, decided to take a short break and check our load. When another triker on a TG had just topped off and pulled up where we were to visit and take a break as well.

He pulled up and said "well hello there" dismounted his trike and started visiting with us. Low and behold, this rider was a 1%er! I will not say what club, that doesn't matter...fact is he was on a trike. SO....think or say what you will, there are a LOT of different riders on trikes now.
By the way, super nice guy, we visited for about 30 to 45 minutes and he is not the first 1%er I have been around.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I get more positive comments about my TriGlide than negative ones. Stopping at a gas station is always a hoot as more times than not I'll have someone come up and ask me questions about my ride.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

If any of you have watched the show "Sons Of Anarchy" on FX. There was a character on a TG from beginning of show (died last season). New season starts Sept 11th. I give it four thumbs up (that's right, my toes in air also).
My brother ( who doesn't ride) calls my TG the "Geriatricycle". Pretty brave for someone living 3000 miles from me!
I get about same % of people waving/not waving on TG or FLH.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I get more positive comments about my TriGlide than negative ones. Stopping at a gas station is always a hoot as more times than not I'll have someone come up and ask me questions about my ride.

We have recieved nothing but positive comments as well, also get loads of questions. (sometimes makes our "gas and go" stops a lot longer than we intend)
I guess the point I am trying to make here is appears the 1% world has opened up to trikes. I was actually glad to see it.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I've that people more easily approach you to start a conversation. More women have made positive comments with leading questions. Good thing I'm married.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I get stopped in mall parking lots, usually by a mother with her son. Sometimes it's because of the USMC sticker and sometimes it's because it's a "Beautiful" motorcycle as they put it. Gas stations not so much which is fine by me because I'm usually in a hurry to get back out on the road.

1%'s usually are civil when they're by themselves, but in a group they need to show an additude. Just an small observation.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Hey CSM...Good story.. We have a couple of 1%er clubs here and one paticular club has only black bikes, and 2 or 3 of them ride Trikes! During our travels thru the mountain loops, we will run across these guys ridin' in a pack of 15 to 25, and one of them on a Trike is always in the lead! Must be a road captain. And.. they always all wave. Maybe they are amused by my Baby Blue ride. When we pull into the same gas stations or other stops, they are always really nice and respectful. But the Trike guys never talk to me though...because their buddies are around I am sure. I have always found that the majority of them are nice guys too. Good to know that Trikes are workin' out for some 1% guys too!
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Thats funny because I just got back from the doctors and the pharmacy and while stopped one guy talked with me and the other as I was coming out of the store was taking pictures of my bike ..And said Thank you..Like I was going to stop him...LOL
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

The only negatives about my trike have come from me. I hate the fact that I'm getting old and breaking down but every time I throw a leg over this thing I have to admit it's a really sweet ride. I'll come around eventually.

Wherever you go on a motorcycle people will talk to you just to see where you're from, where you're going, how do you like it, I bet that cost a pretty penny, etc. On the triglide I notice these questions are quite often from older folks. The general feeling I get is that a person on a trike is less threatening than a guy on two wheels. Kind of like "you meet the nicest people on a trike" (with apologies to Honda). But I get the thumbs up from all sorts of people.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

The people to whom I mentioned I was considering getting a trike, said they rode like 'ass'. Now that I have one, they have nothing but compliments.

I've been riding since I was 7, over 48 years now, Harley's since 2009. My diabetes is catching up with me in my left foot, and I don't trust myself on two wheels anymore.
I ride a Trike because I don't want to give up riding, plus the extra storage is nice too!

My other ulterior motive is to get the wife to ride with me more. We have actually gone to a 1 bike/trike family, she giving up her Sporty.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I get quite a few compliments also, mostly from old men. I guess we are all getting old. When we drove to Denver 2wks ago I couldn't believe all the stuck up people out there. 90% of the harley bikes wouldn't wave (even the tri-glides). The ones that would wave were mostly hondas & such. When I bought my 1988 softail custom in 87,it meant something to ride a HARLEY-DAVIDSON. I was proud to anyhow!!!. I guess now it's no big deal cause everybody has one. The mystic isn't there anymore I guess. That's a shame. I can see not waving around Sturgis but give me a break. Does anyone else feel this way? Thanks for letting me vent alittle. Jim
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

jcolson, I feel the same way. I've been waving for 47 years to any motorcycle/scooter and even mopeds, but that usually confuses them. :D

There have been times that I was thinking of something else or looking away that I didn't wave back in time. I don't think either Harley riders or UJM riders have a monopoly on waving. I've see both not wave. I know a few riders that are petrified of taking a hand off the handlebars.

The one thing I don't care for is the new way of waving - with the hand down by your foot - it looks like you are pointing at a road hazard and in a lot of cases you can't see the wave if everything is black and far away. I don't know if they are embarassed to be seen waving or too tired to raise their hand up where you can see it.
I still give a high wave - either the whole hand or the two finger peace sign. :wave4:
Doesn't mean I'm anything special, I just like to acknowledge a fellow rider, nothing more nothing less.
You're right about waving around a rally, like Sturgis. I don't think it's expected.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Thanks for agreeing with me Gary. It's a shame to not acknowledge other riders just out of respect. Maybe people aare to lazy to raise their arms up. I told my wife I'm not waving to anymore people on the trip back from Denver, I did anyway. Enough of my bitching.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I'll wave when someone gives me a regular wave. If they are pointing to the ground I'm not sure if it's something in the road or a booger on their finger they are trying to get rid of. I wish I could find those neon orange hands that were held onto the windshield with a suction cup. They waved all the time. Maybe that would satisfy the pointer crowd.

I found some on eBay only in green.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I have never heard a negative or smart ass comment riding on my trike! Perhaps it is the visual I project, 6'5" 300 lbs, fully sleeved with tattoos, even my neck has em. I do have a slight limp-but everybody just seems to really like me:D. AS far as the 1%ers go, Having been there done that, I will just say if they didn't have each other-they might not have anything! They put pants on one leg at a time, and fear grizzley bears and the devil just like everyone else.:D
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I used to get a bit miffed when other riders wouldn't wave. Now I don't make the effort to be the initiator anymore. If you wave I will, unless I need to concentrate on the road or pay attention to something other than the waver. I don't care what you ride either.

I think every manufacturer has advantages and disadvantages, that's why it always costs more money after you buy the scoot to get it the way you want it.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I try and look mean and what do I get? People coming up and saying the trike is "cute". Maybe I should stop wearing the clown nose....Naaahhhhh!
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Delta, come on down here to central MA - I'll wave at ya! ;) Actully, I'll ride with you, and let everybody wave at us!! :D
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Just as soon as I get my neon green waving hand I'll be done;)
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I actually get Harley riders waving at me when I'm riding the Goldwing, I don't think they realize they'll be kicked out of the club for doing that:D.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Bikerbozo....Keep the clown nose. If you hadn't been wearing it, I'd have never recognized you when we met for lunch in Florence, Az.:D

I wave to almost all. I find a lot will not wave on the freeways as they are staring straight ahead. Most of the slower roads and they almost all wave.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Sometimes I can't wave back, cause I am hanging on to my apehangers so tightly my fingers are froze!!!!:AGGHH:
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Never had a problem as the 'waver or wavee', guess there are a lot of friendly bikers here in So. Cal. Hell, even the bike cops wave.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Gas stops, pit stops, food stops.....doesn't matter, I talk to everyone.....AND I WAVE AT EVERYONE!!!!!! *waving* *waving* (how's come there's no wave smilies?)
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

Kind of a funny story. Last year we were riding to Las Vegas. Stopped at a roadside rest area for a pit stop. There was a tour bus full of Japanese also heading to Las Vegas. Anyway, Vesta was mobbed by little old Japanese ladies with cameras. Took almost 10 minutes for all of them to get a picture with the old lady biker on the trike. I'm sure the spiked helmet didn't help. I'd bet we have 'sold' several trikes. Everyone seems so amazed that she had that many miles on it and had ridden it so far.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

For some reason every time someone is waving at me it looks like their telling me I'm number one except it looks like their using the wrong finger:D.
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

I have never heard a negative or smart ass comment riding on my trike! Perhaps it is the visual I project, 6'5" 300 lbs, fully sleeved with tattoos, even my neck has em. I do have a slight limp-but everybody just seems to really like me:D. AS far as the 1%ers go, Having been there done that, I will just say if they didn't have each other-they might not have anything! They put pants on one leg at a time, and fear grizzley bears and the devil just like everyone else.:D

They probably even call you SIR!!!!:D
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

msocko3, does that mean they are actually raising their arm above the belt to wave? :D

It seems to me about 98% of riders "wave" by pointing at the road as they ride past. At what time did the "real" wave turn into the "pointing at the ground" wave? :Shrug: And why did it change? Lazyness or does it look dorky to the "macho" crowd?

I still give the old fashioned high wave. Just habit I guess and besides I want them to know they were waved at not that I was pointing out a road hazard.

BinIdaho, what about :wave4: or ~ when there are no smilies available?
Re: Kind of back to the thread about getting picked on because you ride a trike...wel

FWIW, I have always waved, two fingers pointing down towards the the old days that meant "keep two wheels down". As for being looked down upon for riding a trike, we were the first in our group, now two years later there are Ultra w/ Roadsmith, one Triglide and one GW with a Lehman....

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