Urgent prayers needed

Apr 13, 2008
Lesley (Nana)
Our member (and my dear friend), CCrider, has requested your prayer support. He has long struggled with COPD and uses oxygen at all times, but on Sunday he was hospitalized with pneumonia, and remains in the hospital at this point. Pneumonia is never a good thing, but on top of COPD it is extremely serious. Please lift him and his wife in your prayers. Thank you!
Prayers sent Chuck. Barb says you're making some improvement. You need anything, we're just a phone call away.
Hang in there big guy. I have never forgotten you especially that pee frame you made me... You get well soon we are thinking of you over here....:)
Chuck is still in the hospital, and has been moved to ICU. I tried to call him today, and the nurse said he was not able to take a call. He is a very sick puppy, so please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
C.C. I knew from some of your posts that you suffered from C.O.P.D. like myself.
Pneumonia is a fear we always have, The darn chest, lungs,etc. tries to fill with fluid and can be a very frighting experience. B- PAP machines aren't my favorite either, but they can be tolerated.
A well developed sense of humor and a good streak of stubbornness helps recovery. ThumbUp
pneumonia is a rotten way to loose weight! :p

Being hospitalized with our condition gives one plenty of time to have a good visit with our creator, And tends to make one aware of whats really important in life and what isn't?

ThumbUp Don't give up my friend, I have discovered there are miles to be ridden before we complete the bucket list. :Trike1:

Give yourself time to regain your strength, try to cut salt out of your diet as much as possible to keep from retaining fluid in the lungs etc. There are salt substitutes on the market that taste allot like salt but are made of potassium, you may need more of that but ask the doc about it first OK, Gotta protect that heart.
pneumonia, led me to congestive heart failure, but its treatable with common sense. Monitor your weight daily, its the best indicator that you are on the way to recovery and not retaining fluid, watch for swelling around the ankles and your belly.

ThumbUp You may find after a few months that you can once again turn the oxygen machine down a few liters?
It seems i don't need as much when i am riding, I don' know why? :)Shrug: Ram induction?)
pepper A handful of months after all that nonsense i was building a trike, we just need something to do and something to look forward too.

:10: It is only through greater humility that i have ever been able to face such adversity as your currently experiencing.
The answers aren't upstairs in the attic of your mind so don't bother climbing up there to look for them.
The answers are in the world around you, though you may have to slow down to bear witness to them.

Know we love ya and are praying for your complete recovery.
Drop me a line if you ever want to just talk!
I'm no doctor amigo, but this isn't my first rodeo and I'm sure it isn't yours either,
Chuck and Barb, we miss you and are praying for a speedy recovery. John needs a "bladder-evacuation assistance device,". aka pee stick, pretty quick, and you're the creator, soooooo . . .

Barb, we love you, too, and know it's tough, the waiting. I've been there, too . . .

Much love to you both from John and me.

Anything you need - ANYTHING - we're here for you.
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I just spoke with Barb. Chuck remains in ICU on high levels of oxygen and Cpap to ensure he gets the air in. Only part of his lung is re-inflating, so another chest tube will likely be inserted today (OUCH!!!!!), but that will hopefully help things along. Barb says they can feel the prayer support, and please continue it as he has a long way to go!
Prayers are still needed. Chuck remains in ICU. That additional chest tube has helped, but his lung is still not inflating fully. Thankfully, he is able to use a mask with high levels of oxygen during the day and the Cpap machine at night, but he is a long way from "better" and Barb is appreciative of the prayer support from his friends on TrikeTalk!
May the Good Lord Place His Healing Hands on you, comfort you and Bless you in this time of trouble. May He comfort your family as well and know that God is the Great Healer. AMEN
Barbara and I just chatted by phone. Chuck is still in ICU, but she can see definite improvement today. Although his lung is still not fully inflated, he is breathing more easily and the oxygen levels have been lowered. She says to thank you all so much for your prayers, as they are making a difference .
Progress is slow but steady. Chuck is still in ICU and still has a chest tube, but is able to be up in a chair for a while and actually walked (with assistance) around the ICU today. Barb says he is still very weak, but she is so thankful to see the progress!
Please lift Chuck and Barb in your prayers. Instead of the expected discharge this weekend, he has been suddenly moved back into ICU this morning. Very worrisome!
Prayers are still needed. Chuck remains in ICU. That additional chest tube has helped, but his lung is still not inflating fully. Thankfully, he is able to use a mask with high levels of oxygen during the day and the Cpap machine at night, but he is a long way from "better" and Barb is appreciative of the prayer support from his friends on TrikeTalk!

Prayers on the way as we speak C.C. and Barb!
Dear Lord please send your healing powers to Chuck, bless him and keep him well.

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