Riding days maybe over


850+ Posts
Dec 6, 2012
Santee, CA
I think that my riding days may be over, unless my spine surgeon can work some PFM on my back. I'm at the point now that I can barely crawl into bed. It has been nothing but bad things happening since We got back from our East Coast trip. Got back home on a Thursday. Friday morning woke up not feeling well,

Went to Urgent care was told I had a sinus infection and pneumonia, given antibiotics. Saturday not bad until around 2 PM then my kidneys started acting up. Felt like someone was stabbing me in the back on both sides for about 2 hours. Went to bed and got up around 4 to go to the bathroom, went to get back in bed and was so weak I could not pull myself back into bed. Tried for about a half an hour to get back into bed and finally ended up on the floor. My feet were so dry I just kept slipping on the hard wood floor. After trying to get up and no making it I just laid on the floor and wet to sleep. after about 2 hours my wife gets up and I get her attention (my voice was so low she could not hear me in the other room). She tried to get me up and couldn't, Called our son he tried to get me up and couldn't. did get me half sitting up against the footboard of the bed.

Called paramedics, the came and this one Paramedic said are you ready to get up and I said yes. He grabbed me around my chest from the front side and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the gurney chair. got me to the hospital and was diagnosed with a UTI that had gotten into my kidneys and then into my blood stream. Treated in the hospital with some pretty strong antibiotics for 4 days and was released with a 14 day supply of antibiotics completed those. while taking that round of antibiotics, I was in a traffic accident which jacked up my back again. I was following a car that was slowing down to make a right turn into a parking lot of a 7-11 store, I was doing probably less than 5 MPH when I was hit from behind by a young lady driving a Jeep Wrangler. Pushed the rear hatch of my Chevy Traverse in about 2 feet. Found out a couple days ago it was totaled. She was doing anywhere from 35 to 40 MPH. Last week I had a relapse from the SEPSIS ended up back in the hospital again. Given a new regiment of Antibiotics.

The main reason I don't want to give up riding is I just spent 10 grand to put a new 131 stage IV motor in my trike. Only have about 420 miles on the motor, Hasn't been on the dyno yet for tuning. Mechanic won't dyno it until it has more than 500 miles and has had the oil changed in it.
Seeing my spine surgeon on Friday.
Sending you my very best thoughts and prayers. I gave up riding just one year ago and know what it means. Life style change, big time. Glad to have the memory of riding with you a few years ago in Eastern Arizona. Wishing you the very best. Jim
Very sorry to hear about all the troubles you are going through right now. I will offer up a prayer for you that your pain is eased and you make a full recovery.

As far as riding days may be over, that is a personal choice that only you can make and need to consider what's best for you and your family.

For me, this riding season had a tragic end at the beginning of Sept as I was making my way to Maggie Valley gathering. I too have halfway considered giving up riding but I'm not quite ready to just yet. I need to "get back on the horse" so to speak just to prove to myself that I can do it. I still have a ways to go in my recovery but the riding season here is pretty much winding down which helps take my mind off it. I am still recovering from multiple fractures to my pelvis as well as my spine also being injured in several places. I am hopeful that by the time Spring rolls around, I will be fully healed and can think about replacing my trike. The trike I had is now a distant memory as State Farm has assumed ownership of my wreck.

I have never experienced a UTI but can only imagine the pain especially since both kidneys have been affected. I have been told the pain is absolutely brutal. I can somewhat sympathize though as I have dealt with kidney stones for over 40 years now and the problem shows up like clockwork about every 5-7 years where I need medical attention to get through it. Last one was a 9mm sized stone!

But my point is, you are in a bad way right now and may just need to take a wait and see approach. You need to concentrate on healing and your health. Once you recover, then it would be more appropriate to decide if you will give up riding or climb back on for more adventures. Whether you decide to continue to ride or not should be a low priority issue for now.
Ray, sorry to hear of your troubles. You will be in our prayers for healing.

Mike gave you some good advice. Concentrate on getting better before you decide if your riding days are over.

Mike, you and Ray both get better. You both are in our prayers.
At the age of 74 yrs old, I've been have'n seizures, and after every seizure, thay take away my drivers license for six months at a time............Not fun sitting in my garage, every day (and not drive'n) while trying to enjoy my retirement, all at the same time o_O
Damn Ray, wishing you the very best in your recovery, Jo Ann and I send our prayers that you heal up before making any riding decisions. Gonna try to send some good karma your way.
Ray like the others say get healed up first before you make any decisions.Those thoughts tend to come when we can't get around and don't see things improving soon.Been there a few times myself.That said what you have just spent on/done to the trike shouldn't be a factor in the decision. That decision has to be based on you and only you can make the decision on when its time.I will be praying for you.
Ray you can't give up, you got to get better so you can Beat the crap out of that 131 ! you must have felt pretty good before all this, or you would not of had the motor done. Hang in there and get well soon.
At the age of 74 yrs old, I've been have'n seizures, and after every seizure, thay take away my drivers license for six months at a time............Not fun sitting in my garage, every day (and not drive'n) while trying to enjoy my retirement, all at the same time o_O
Holy Moly Ronnie, take very good care of yourself. You are a fixture on this forum.
I think that my riding days may be over, unless my spine surgeon can work some PFM on my back. I'm at the point now that I can barely crawl into bed. It has been nothing but bad things happening since We got back from our East Coast trip. Got back home on a Thursday. Friday morning woke up not feeling well,

Went to Urgent care was told I had a sinus infection and pneumonia, given antibiotics. Saturday not bad until around 2 PM then my kidneys started acting up. Felt like someone was stabbing me in the back on both sides for about 2 hours. Went to bed and got up around 4 to go to the bathroom, went to get back in bed and was so weak I could not pull myself back into bed. Tried for about a half an hour to get back into bed and finally ended up on the floor. my feet were so dry I just kept slipping on the hard wood floor. After trying to get up and no making it I just laid on the floor and wet to sleep. after about 2 hours my wife gets up and I get her attention (my voice was so low she could not hear me in the other room). She tried to get me up and couldn't, Called our son he tried to get me up and couldn't. did get me half sitting up against the footboard of the bed.

Called paramedics, the came and this one Paramedic said are you ready to get up and I said yes. He grabbed me around my chest from the front side and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the gurney chair. got me to the hospital and was diagnosed with a UTI that had gotten into my kidneys and then into my blood stream. Treated in the hospital with some pretty strong antibiotics for 4 days and was released with a 14 day supply of antibiotics completed those. while taking that round of antibiotics, I was in a traffic accident which jacked up my back again. I was following a car that was slowing down to make a right turn into a parking lot of a 7-11 store, I was doing probably less than 5 MPH when I was hit from behind by a young lady driving a Jeep Wrangler. Pushed the rear hatch of my Chevy Traverse in about 2 feet. Found out a couple days ago it was totaled. She was doing anywhere from 35 to 40 MPH. Last week I had a relapse from the SEPSIS ended up back in the hospital again. Given a new regiment of Antibiotics.

The main reason I don't want to give up riding is I just spent 10 grand to put a new 131 stage IV motor in my trike. Only have about 420 miles on the motor, Hasn't been on the dyno yet for tuning. Mechanic won't dyno it until it has more than 500 miles and has had the oil changed in it.
Seeing my spine surgeon on Friday.
Hope you get this medical stuff behind you , then make that decision about riding.
I too wish you the best. Have had a few UTIs - but not as bad as yours.. After the first, I sort of recognized when they were coming and went to the doctor. Didn't have any until my prostrate surgery.

First, as others have said, you get better first. As this happens, you cna later get back on the bike. I had a similar worry back in 2008 - but have been able to ride where I wanted to. Please - just heal first.
Had a get-together with the spine surgeon today and we agreed on Surgery. Got to get my cardiologist to agree to let me go off my blood thinners for ten days prior to surgery. As far as the 131 engine, didn't have a good map until the last day in Maggie Valley and after that was limited to 2500 RPM and 55 MPH. Got in one day of decent riding in Virginia. Road the "Back of the Dragon".
I think that my riding days may be over, unless my spine surgeon can work some PFM on my back. I'm at the point now that I can barely crawl into bed. It has been nothing but bad things happening since We got back from our East Coast trip. Got back home on a Thursday. Friday morning woke up not feeling well,

Went to Urgent care was told I had a sinus infection and pneumonia, given antibiotics. Saturday not bad until around 2 PM then my kidneys started acting up. Felt like someone was stabbing me in the back on both sides for about 2 hours. Went to bed and got up around 4 to go to the bathroom, went to get back in bed and was so weak I could not pull myself back into bed. Tried for about a half an hour to get back into bed and finally ended up on the floor. My feet were so dry I just kept slipping on the hard wood floor. After trying to get up and no making it I just laid on the floor and wet to sleep. after about 2 hours my wife gets up and I get her attention (my voice was so low she could not hear me in the other room). She tried to get me up and couldn't, Called our son he tried to get me up and couldn't. did get me half sitting up against the footboard of the bed.

Called paramedics, the came and this one Paramedic said are you ready to get up and I said yes. He grabbed me around my chest from the front side and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the gurney chair. got me to the hospital and was diagnosed with a UTI that had gotten into my kidneys and then into my blood stream. Treated in the hospital with some pretty strong antibiotics for 4 days and was released with a 14 day supply of antibiotics completed those. while taking that round of antibiotics, I was in a traffic accident which jacked up my back again. I was following a car that was slowing down to make a right turn into a parking lot of a 7-11 store, I was doing probably less than 5 MPH when I was hit from behind by a young lady driving a Jeep Wrangler. Pushed the rear hatch of my Chevy Traverse in about 2 feet. Found out a couple days ago it was totaled. She was doing anywhere from 35 to 40 MPH. Last week I had a relapse from the SEPSIS ended up back in the hospital again. Given a new regiment of Antibiotics.

The main reason I don't want to give up riding is I just spent 10 grand to put a new 131 stage IV motor in my trike. Only have about 420 miles on the motor, Hasn't been on the dyno yet for tuning. Mechanic won't dyno it until it has more than 500 miles and has had the oil changed in it.
Seeing my spine surgeon on Friday.
Hang in there brother. Hoping you make a speedy recovery.
Wonder how Ray is doing now?
I'm doing better. Back to walking using a 4 wheel walker. Waiting on my spine surgeon to contact me about surgery. Took me a couple weeks after I got home from the East Coast to unload my trike from the trailer and it's been on the lift since then. Have started it a few times since then. Sunday after Thanksgiving, I went into a rehab house and was there until the 6th of January, recovering from an infection in my spine. Making progress every day.
I'm doing better. Back to walking using a 4 wheel walker. Waiting on my spine surgeon to contact me about surgery. Took me a couple weeks after I got home from the East Coast to unload my trike from the trailer and it's been on the lift since then. Have started it a few times since then. Sunday after Thanksgiving, I went into a rehab house and was there until the 6th of January, recovering from an infection in my spine. Making progress every day.

Glad to hear your situation has improved. Any improvement is a positive. Hopefully you get your surgery scheduled soon so you can get that over with.
I think that my riding days may be over, unless my spine surgeon can work some PFM on my back. I'm at the point now that I can barely crawl into bed. It has been nothing but bad things happening since We got back from our East Coast trip. Got back home on a Thursday. Friday morning woke up not feeling well,

Went to Urgent care was told I had a sinus infection and pneumonia, given antibiotics. Saturday not bad until around 2 PM then my kidneys started acting up. Felt like someone was stabbing me in the back on both sides for about 2 hours. Went to bed and got up around 4 to go to the bathroom, went to get back in bed and was so weak I could not pull myself back into bed. Tried for about a half an hour to get back into bed and finally ended up on the floor. My feet were so dry I just kept slipping on the hard wood floor. After trying to get up and no making it I just laid on the floor and wet to sleep. after about 2 hours my wife gets up and I get her attention (my voice was so low she could not hear me in the other room). She tried to get me up and couldn't, Called our son he tried to get me up and couldn't. did get me half sitting up against the footboard of the bed.

Called paramedics, the came and this one Paramedic said are you ready to get up and I said yes. He grabbed me around my chest from the front side and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the gurney chair. got me to the hospital and was diagnosed with a UTI that had gotten into my kidneys and then into my blood stream. Treated in the hospital with some pretty strong antibiotics for 4 days and was released with a 14 day supply of antibiotics completed those. while taking that round of antibiotics, I was in a traffic accident which jacked up my back again. I was following a car that was slowing down to make a right turn into a parking lot of a 7-11 store, I was doing probably less than 5 MPH when I was hit from behind by a young lady driving a Jeep Wrangler. Pushed the rear hatch of my Chevy Traverse in about 2 feet. Found out a couple days ago it was totaled. She was doing anywhere from 35 to 40 MPH. Last week I had a relapse from the SEPSIS ended up back in the hospital again. Given a new regiment of Antibiotics.

The main reason I don't want to give up riding is I just spent 10 grand to put a new 131 stage IV motor in my trike. Only have about 420 miles on the motor, Hasn't been on the dyno yet for tuning. Mechanic won't dyno it until it has more than 500 miles and has had the oil changed in it.
Seeing my spine surgeon on Friday.
The best therapy I ever got was someone telling me wasn’t good enough or telling me I’d never do test again due to illness or injury. All those negative comments just made me try ten times harder to prove those people wrong. I’ll quit ten minutes after I’m dead.
Sounds like you will eventually be back in the saddle! My recent spine issues were very minor compared to yours (2 bulged discs, one tear, etc.) but the way it effected my sciatica I could only sleep in a recliner for 2 or 3 hours a night, couldn't walk more than 20 yards, and kept having my left leg give out totally. There was a week or two in there where I wondered if I would be done riding. Needless to say the trike stayed parked.

Now after 2 months of rehab I'm back almost 100%. Hand in there my friend.
Finally got a date for my back surgery. Surgery is scheduled for next Friday the 14th of February at 07:30 AM. Have to check into the hospital at 05:30 AM. Had a phone conversation with the feel good lady this morning and my pre-op meeting with the surgeon this afternoon. He wasn't real happy that I'm taking steroids for a minor bout with pneumonia that I had last month when I got out of rehab. Got another three weeks to go.

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