Love Jugs.

So the Cool Masters are the same size as the originals but I read that they spin faster. I watched a video about them and there was a "sharp whining" sound from the Cool Masters. Is this the same on the originals? I assume while riding you probably wouldn't hear them, but what about when stopped?

So then are the Mighty Mites even louder? They are the least expensive if one can wait a month or so.

FYI, I am really noise sensitive to high-frequency whines and find my new Cool-Master fans on my 2017 M8 Tri Glide to be heard at idle but the frequency is such from the approximate 8500 rpm's that it is not objectionable at all. Oddly, when I wear a 3/4 helmet with ear plugs, I can hear them more than if I just have in a set of foam ear plugs. My helmet seems to slightly amplify the sound. At anything other than idle, I can't hear the fans at all.

Those that are noise sensitive may want to consider sticking with the Cool-Masters as opposed to the Mighty Mites that reportedly spin at 13,500 rpm. I have obviously not heard the new Mighty Mites because they are just being released next month (March). Dave Sandel, the inventor reported that the Mighty Mites are within 1% of the Cool-Masters in terms of cooling efficiency.

However, one of our prolific posters and a site sponser, Kevin from DK Customs was using a similar product to the Mighty Mites for years on his 2014 TC103 Tri Glide and experienced ovalling of his cylinders due to reported excessive heat. Since the Cool-Masters are reportedly Love Jugs most efficient and slightly smaller profile than the originals, I personally chose them because Kevin's recent findings found the M8 cylinder head temps to be 300* plus when doing dyno pulls on a 2017 M8 Free Wheeler.

It is great that our website host, Papa Zook is a stocking dealer. Had I known that, I would have bought mine from him. BTW, it is a totally taste thing but I think the beautifully crafted stainless steel Cool-Master fans really add an interesting styling touch to the generally more boring left side of the M8 engine. They seem to compliment the new HD horn very nicely IMHO.
FYI, I am really noise sensitive to high-frequency whines and find my new Cool-Master fans on my 2017 M8 Tri Glide to be heard at idle but the frequency is such from the approximate 8500 rpm's that it is not objectionable at all. Oddly, when I wear a 3/4 helmet with ear plugs, I can hear them more than if I just have in a set of foam ear plugs. My helmet seems to slightly amplify the sound. At anything other than idle, I can't hear the fans at all.

Those that are noise sensitive may want to consider sticking with the Cool-Masters as opposed to the Mighty Mites that reportedly spin at 13,500 rpm. I have obviously not heard the new Mighty Mites because they are just being released next month (March). Dave Sandel, the inventor reported that the Mighty Mites are within 1% of the Cool-Masters in terms of cooling efficiency.

However, one of our prolific posters and a site sponser, Kevin from DK Customs was using a similar product to the Mighty Mites for years on his 2014 TC103 Tri Glide and experienced ovalling of his cylinders due to reported excessive heat. Since the Cool-Masters are reportedly Love Jugs most efficient and slightly smaller profile than the originals, I personally chose them because Kevin's recent findings found the M8 cylinder head temps to be 300* plus when doing dyno pulls on a 2017 M8 Free Wheeler.

It is great that our website host, Papa Zook is a stocking dealer. Had I known that, I would have bought mine from him. BTW, it is a totally taste thing but I think the beautifully crafted stainless steel Cool-Master fans really add an interesting styling touch to the generally more boring left side of the M8 engine. They seem to compliment the new HD horn very nicely IMHO.

I should have mentioned that Kevin's Werks fans that he has been using are similar looking to the Mighty Mites but Love Jugs has suggested that their fans are the most efficient that you can buy. I have no comparative data so can't verify the veracity of those statements.
Originally Posted by Papa Zook Lola,
You won't go wrong with either set, but If you don't mind the slightly larger size, I would have to say I recommend the Cool Masters. My experience with them has been nothing but positive, and those on the forum who have bought them, really like and recommend them too. After talking to the inventor and company co-owner, Dave Sandel, Capt. Bob sums it up pretty well below.


I don't have a problem with the size, they look good on Randall's Freewheeler. I really thought the smaller ones are the new, improved version.

Since I will be buying them from you as well as paying you to install them I need to get the best possible bang for my buck.

I also don't have to worry about the UPS man thinking I am kinky or paying someone OJT for the installation and the isolator that has been discussed.


I don't have a problem with the size, they look good on Randall's Freewheeler. I really thought the smaller ones are the new, improved version.

Since I will be buying them from you as well as paying you to install them I need to get the best possible bang for my buck.

I also don't have to worry about the UPS man thinking I am kinky or paying someone OJT for the installation and the isolator that has been discussed.



The Mighty Mite is new, but not improved in the sense that it is better than the Cool Master, its just smaller.
Thanks to Papa Zook for his PM. There are 2 switches one on each fan. They are recessed on 12 o'clock position of the fan face & in my lighted garage I never saw the light.

Had I known you stocked them, I would have ordered from you. Maybe saved delivery time. The USPS sent these all over. At one time they were in a town only 30 miles west of me. Then went to Cincinnatti & back to Vandalia & finally to me . Finally got them 8 days from order date of 2/16

February 23, 2017 , 9:09 pmArrived at USPS Destination FacilityCINCINNATI, OH 45235
Your item arrived at our CINCINNATI, OH 45235 destination facility on February 23, 2017 at 9:09 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
February 23, 2017 , 9:24 amArrived at USPS FacilityARCANUM, OH 45304
February 23, 2017 , 9:14 amArrived at Post OfficeARCANUM, OH 45304
February 22, 2017 , 5:38 pmIn Transit to Destination
February 21, 2017 , 7:30 pmDeparted Post OfficeAMHERST, MA 01002
February 21, 2017 , 5:38 pmPicked UpAMHERST, MA 01002
February 19, 2017
Last edited:
If ordered from The Store checkout below, we will ship the Cool Masters the same day or next and the New Mighty Mites will ship in the order they are received.
FYI, I am really noise sensitive to high-frequency whines and find my new Cool-Master fans on my 2017 M8 Tri Glide to be heard at idle but the frequency is such from the approximate 8500 rpm's that it is not objectionable at all. Oddly, when I wear a 3/4 helmet with ear plugs, I can hear them more than if I just have in a set of foam ear plugs. My helmet seems to slightly amplify the sound. At anything other than idle, I can't hear the fans at all.

Those that are noise sensitive may want to consider sticking with the Cool-Masters as opposed to the Mighty Mites that reportedly spin at 13,500 rpm. I have obviously not heard the new Mighty Mites because they are just being released next month (March). Dave Sandel, the inventor reported that the Mighty Mites are within 1% of the Cool-Masters in terms of cooling efficiency.

However, one of our prolific posters and a site sponser, Kevin from DK Customs was using a similar product to the Mighty Mites for years on his 2014 TC103 Tri Glide and experienced ovalling of his cylinders due to reported excessive heat. Since the Cool-Masters are reportedly Love Jugs most efficient and slightly smaller profile than the originals, I personally chose them because Kevin's recent findings found the M8 cylinder head temps to be 300* plus when doing dyno pulls on a 2017 M8 Free Wheeler.

It is great that our website host, Papa Zook is a stocking dealer. Had I known that, I would have bought mine from him. BTW, it is a totally taste thing but I think the beautifully crafted stainless steel Cool-Master fans really add an interesting styling touch to the generally more boring left side of the M8 engine. They seem to compliment the new HD horn very nicely IMHO.
Thanks, Capt.Bob. Great comments/evaluation.
Don't Leave Home Without Them!

Today was an absolutely beautiful day in North Florida with highs hitting 84 degrees F. I decided to ride down to the Gulf of Mexico on about a 230 mile round trip and followed the shoreline of the Gulf to an old fishing village called Apalachicola.

I was approaching the town going across a long bridge with water on both sides, a work crew was doing work on the bridge and held up traffic. Due to the warmth of the day, my EITMS kicked in but I was very, very comfortable just sitting there idling knowing that my Cool-Master fans were keeping my M8 jugs cooler than they would have been if I hadn't had them.

Then, I am coming home and taking a main artery leading to my home in suburban Tallahassee when I ran into traffic being halted for entry exit of parishioners from a large Catholic church that was celebrating Ash Wednesday in the midst of after work heavy traffic. Again, I was really, really delighted that I had the Love Jug Cool-Master fans because my former worries about cooking the engine were gone!

When I got home, I ran in an got my laser-guided infrared thermometer and recorded 239* F on the rear jug just behind the exposed spark plug pointing only at the black crinkle finish to get an accurate reading and about 210* F on the front jug in the same place for spark plug placement.

Since hearing about the M8's running temps up to at least 300* F, these were VERY comforting results. Additionally, I am noticing that when the M8 engine fans kick on for the Twin-Cooled radiators that they tend to stay on a bit longer than my 2016 TC103 fans did.
Anyway, for me, now moving into warmer and subsequently hotter weather with unknown stoppages to face on the road, I have decided that Love Jugs ought to consider the American Express motto of "Don't leave home without your Love Jugs". :Santa:

Disclaimer: I have NO vested interest in how many fans get sold and am fiercely independent when it comes to offering an unsolicited endorsement. I just frankly feel a hell of a lot better about my engine with these auxiliary cooling fans than ever before.
I'm very interested in the Cool Masters. I have a few questions for you guys that have them. Am I right in assuming that a thermo switch means that the fans kick on and off as needed? Is this something that is included or is it an extra purchase? Also, do you feel the hot air blowing onto your leg?

Thanks for the help.
The thermo switch yes does allow for the fans to run when the temp is above about 180. It then turns it off when it cools below that. So basically they are on most of the time, because it is not going to cool below that until you turn the motor off. It can reach that temp at an idle. The switch is slipped between the fins of one of the jugs. Yes when the fans are on you will get some heat on your leg but it is not near as hot as the stock header heat. I've had love jugs for about 5 years and 60k miles. If I bought a new 17 today I would put them on.
Today was an absolutely beautiful day in North Florida with highs hitting 84 degrees F. I decided to ride down to the Gulf of Mexico on about a 230 mile round trip and followed the shoreline of the Gulf to an old fishing village called Apalachicola.

I was approaching the town going across a long bridge with water on both sides, a work crew was doing work on the bridge and held up traffic. Due to the warmth of the day, my EITMS kicked in but I was very, very comfortable just sitting there idling knowing that my Cool-Master fans were keeping my M8 jugs cooler than they would have been if I hadn't had them.

Then, I am coming home and taking a main artery leading to my home in suburban Tallahassee when I ran into traffic being halted for entry exit of parishioners from a large Catholic church that was celebrating Ash Wednesday in the midst of after work heavy traffic. Again, I was really, really delighted that I had the Love Jug Cool-Master fans because my former worries about cooking the engine were gone!

When I got home, I ran in an got my laser-guided infrared thermometer and recorded 239* F on the rear jug just behind the exposed spark plug pointing only at the black crinkle finish to get an accurate reading and about 210* F on the front jug in the same place for spark plug placement.

Since hearing about the M8's running temps up to at least 300* F, these were VERY comforting results. Additionally, I am noticing that when the M8 engine fans kick on for the Twin-Cooled radiators that they tend to stay on a bit longer than my 2016 TC103 fans did.
Anyway, for me, now moving into warmer and subsequently hotter weather with unknown stoppages to face on the road, I have decided that Love Jugs ought to consider the American Express motto of "Don't leave home without your Love Jugs". :Santa:

Disclaimer: I have NO vested interest in how many fans get sold and am fiercely independent when it comes to offering an unsolicited endorsement. I just frankly feel a hell of a lot better about my engine with these auxiliary cooling fans than ever before.

I'm very interested in the Cool Masters. I have a few questions for you guys that have them. Am I right in assuming that a thermo switch means that the fans kick on and off as needed? Is this something that is included or is it an extra purchase? Also, do you feel the hot air blowing onto your leg?

Thanks for the help.

There is no thermal switch and I very much like it that way. There is a switch on each fan to turn it on and off and its easily accessible while riding. You will not feel hot air blowing on your legs unless you are at a dead stand still and even then your cylinder temps will be 75-100 degrees cooler, so the air being blown off the cylinders is much cooler.

When in very slow traffic or stopped, having the fans on is most important and tilting your leg out away from the engine is not a problem, though usually you will not be in that situation long enough for it to be uncomfortable.

Remember, the most important benefit of the fans is that they protect the engine at all times, particularly when in slow, stop and go traffic and especially on the very hot days we endure in Texas and Florida.
Carol I added my own thermo switch that I all ready had. It's not even necessary. If I did not have one I would just wire them to a separate switch. The switches on the fans are easy to get to but I would just run one switch off the dash. That is just because it's easier when you are 70 then bending to find the fan switch. As Randy said you only feel the air blowing in stopped situations. Once you start moving you don't feel it.
Thanks Papa Zook. That answers all my questions :D.

Carol, Although I have the push button switch on each fan, my thought is to leave the fans on all of the time. Even on cooler days except when the temps get really low (I am not sure what temps that means?), the combustion going on inside of each large cylinder is likely enough to warrant the cooling fans running all of the time. I am not an engineer so really am shooting from the hip on this supposition. I generally ride with jeans on and cannot feel hot air on my right leg with my 2017 M8 Tri Glide that has the catalytic converter placed rearward from the rider. Given that the Cat is not as much in the picture with less felt heat than my former 2016 TC103, the fans do not seem to add any grief to me in terms of thermal issues on my right leg.
I plugged my fans into harness behind left side cover. Have not ridden since installation. 33* here for several days now. After having found the on/off switches on the fans, I decided I didn't need an additional switch. The buttons on the fans, are recessed in the 12 o'clock position. Shouldn't have to look down to find it. I will just reach down & operate.
Yesterday afternoon, a neighbor of mine who rides around our community in the afternoons sometimes, was riding by on his 2016 Twin-Cooled TC103 Ultra Limited. I ran out the door and flagged him down. He came into my driveway and I showed him the new Cool-Master fans from Love Jugs. I then went into my shop and got out my laser guided infrared thermometer and showed him that his front jug was about 230* and his rear jug was about 270* on a cool low 70's day. He remarked that he had only ridden from the house which was about 1.5 miles away and the temps were already at that level. I advised him that on our typical Florida days, his rear jug was likely routinely exceeding 300*.

He was amazed at the temps and said that he was going to be looking up Love Jugs at the Daytona Bike Week next week and would likely get a set installed at the rally. He had no idea that his bike was running that hot. I was tickled to help a fellow biker recognize the deleterious heat that these large cube bikes are putting out.

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