DK Remote Filter & Secondary Oil Cooler Temp Reduction?


10+ Posts
Apr 28, 2024
Ridgecrest, CA.
How many riders have done this upgrade and have you confirmed your new average oil temperature? Normal current oil temp for me without traffic has been around 230 degrees. I'm looking at the remote kit using a normal oil filter and the Jagg 6 row deluxe cooler. Thanks!
@ DK Customs has some good podcasts concerning oil temps and the pros and cons of more cooling,

have a look here,

I appreciate the reply, and yes, I have read all the info put out by DK, and I do realize it will definitely help in the cooling, but was more interested in hearing some real numbers by riders who have done the upgrade.
Perhaps off subject but we're just foolin around here anyway. When I bought my Tri-Glide 2 months ago I added the 5 year bumper to bumper warranty. It's their problem for the next 5 years. I'll be 80 in 5 years if I make it 5 more years, we'll worry about it then!!!!!
Don't have any numbers because like...I don't care. The combination of oil cooled motor,stock cooler and fan, and DK's remote oil filter with reusable filter works well for me. Also a breather bypass is a must do and easy upgrade. I see no need for a secondary oil cooler for street applications. Now racing..maybe. You know it's coming- KING OF THE TRIKES RACING! Saw some pictures on the wall in the drivers lounge of a Volvo truck dealership up in Ontario Canada of trikes racing on a dirt oval looked like in the 20's or 30's.
There is nothing wrong with 230 deg F peak oil temp, especially if you run full synthetic (which you should). I never see anything higher that 225 and I just have the stock cooler.
Positive responses are appreciated..... When I started this thread, it had not gotten hot here yet. I live outside of Death Valley. For the most part, the hottest temperatures in the country. Slight possibility I might need equipment not needed in other areas. Late July, I did a road trip, 2 up and normal gear loaded. Oil temp was recorded at 270. To me, that was a number to be concerned about. After adding the DK kit, Flo filter and the not needed 10 row Jagg cooler, temp was reduced to now 220 when it's really hot. I also installed a bypass valve, so yesterday, I road over the Sierra's in the mid 30's and recorded a reading of 200. I think I'm good with those numbers
I have the 114 twin cooled engine. I'm running a stage 2 with mostly Screaming Eagle junk to keep my warranty. I'm running Tab pipes with Zombie baffles.
I was seeing over 300 deg engine temp on 90+ deg days. Don't remember what the oil temp was but it was over 230.

I made a few mods to cool things down.
I installed all DK Customs parts listed below:
1-1/2" tank lift
Cooling deflector wings
Dual cool oil cooler
Oil filter relocation kit for trikes
Outlaw High performance cleanable permanent oil filter

My engine temps are down to 260-270. 270 is the highest I've seen the engine get and that was briefly.
My oil temp is running around 190-195.
I have the 114 twin cooled engine. I'm running a stage 2 with mostly Screaming Eagle junk to keep my warranty. I'm running Tab pipes with Zombie baffles.
I was seeing over 300 deg engine temp on 90+ deg days. Don't remember what the oil temp was but it was over 230.

I made a few mods to cool things down.
I installed all DK Customs parts listed below:
1-1/2" tank lift
Cooling deflector wings
Dual cool oil cooler
Oil filter relocation kit for trikes
Outlaw High performance cleanable permanent oil filter

My engine temps are down to 260-270. 270 is the highest I've seen the engine get and that was briefly.
My oil temp is running around 190-195.
Sounds like you also solved your heating problems! The stuff I added

IMG_5247.jpeg are.........

2" DK tank lift
Filter relocation kit with the Flo filter. Same as your outlaw but I bought it from the folks who make it along with a spare filter. I also have a TC with the same filter. I wanted the brushed fins on the filter to match the cylinders
10 row Jagg cooler with bypass valve
Love Jugs. Only running them in city trafficIMG_5085.jpeg
Good deal guys! You both have gotten your temps down to the optimum levels.

For others that are interested in some comparison testing, see the video below, where we did before and after in a variety of riding scenarios. (even though it is on a TG, results are very close to the same on a Freewheeler or RG3)


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