Wards Fan Replacement Motor


150+ Posts
May 29, 2016
Oberlin, OH
I’m in need of replacement fan motors for my Wards fan. In the past I’ve sourced the same fan that Wards used. They all have failed when the wires break off at the circuit board. Without going into the whole Wards vs Loves Jugs who came first , does anyone have the dimensions of the Loves Jugs Mighty Mite replacement fan motor. I reached out to Love’s and they responded but didn’t provide the info I needed. Wards fans used a 60x60x38 motor that had the square corners ground off to fit the round housing. Hopefully Papa Zook reads this as I think he is a dealer/sales for Loves. I’m hoping that their replacement motor is better engineered and will drop into the Wards housing.
AL, the Love Jugs Mighty Mite fans are 66x66x38 and these are not square fans with the corners lopped off.
Missed this reply and then called. Thank You for taking the time on the phone. Back to the drawing board for solutions. Running fan-less on a upcoming trip.

The Love Jug Mighty Mite fans aren't cut down square computer fans, they are made to fit and measure 66mm X 66mm X 38mm. Unfortunately they will not fit the Wards Fans fixture, if it is 60mm X 60mm X 38mm.
It appears that 66x66 should fit? Leaving on a trip soon. Will probably be a winter project to order Replacement fan motors.

Ground down computer fans fit too loose and rotate slightly. I’m sure that’s why the wires are breaking on the Ward's fans. I will also order the Love jugs o-ring. That should help provide a tighter housing fit preventing the rotation. Also going to order the heavy duty isolator with a longer stud , using stock isolator never gave as much thread engagement. Never a issue but always a concern.
Wards fans used a 60x60x38 motor that had the square corners ground off to fit the round housing. Hopefully Papa Zook reads this as I think he is a dealer/sales for Loves..
I was going by the specs you posted on the Wards fans above AL, but according to your caliper, there may be room for the LJ fans after all.
I was going by the specs you posted on the wards fans above AL, but according to your caliper, there may be room for the LJ fans after all.
I was going by specs I found by cross reference of number found on fan. Perhaps I found a bad cross reference. I haven’t measured the one remaining good fan. Bad fan destroyed trying to remove circuit board from housing in a attempt to resolder wires.
I can confirm Loves Jugs Fan replacement fits a Wards housing. Soldered extension wires to supplied Loves fans. They came with a connector that l was unable to use in Wards housing. Hopefully these keep working. 2 Wards fan failures. Have one good Wards fan left that was the original from 2016. Loves Horn isolator used instead of stock that never had as much thread engagement on acorn nut. It never came undone but I like the extended threads with new isolator

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