Harley trouble codes

Jack Klarich

Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Jacksonville, FL
Harley Trouble Codes

The following procedure will instruct in retrieving and clearing ECM Diagnostic Trouble Codes and TSM/TSSM codes through the Harley guage cluster as well as a list of codes.

1- Turn Ignition switchto OFF & Run/Stop switch is to Run.

2- Push odometer resetbutton in & hold.

3- Turnignition switchto Ignition and release the odometer reset button. Background lighting should illuminate, speedometer needle should sweep its full range and indicator lamps (battery, security, low fuel, check engine and cruise) should illuminate. The word "diag" should then appear.

4 - Push the odometer resetbutton once and you will seethe selection menu "PSSPt" with the first P flashing.

5 - Each letter represents an area of the diagnostics module. The module that is flashing is the one you are going to check. To move from one letter (module) to the next, you push the odometer resetbutton one time. (from P to S to SP to t and back to P, etc.)

P = ECM/ICM(Electronic Control Module)[EFI] /Ignition Control Module[Carbureted])

S = TSM/TSSM (Turn Signal/ Security Module)

SP = speedometer

T = tachometer

6 - To get the DTC within an area of diagnostics, push and hold the odometer resetbutton in for 5 seconds and release. If there are any DTC's the code will be displayed or the word "none" will appear if there are no DTC's. Push the odometer resetbutton again to view additional codes if they exist.

7 - Record the codes.

8 - If DTC's are not to be cleared, Press and release the odometer resetbutton. Part number of module will be displayed.

NOTE: To determine if a code is current or historic, clear the displayed code by pushing in and holding the odometer reset button ( longer than 5 seconds) until 'clear' comes up. Release the odometer reset button. Turn OFF the ignition switch. Run your bike and shut it down then recheck the DTC's again by repeating steps 1 to 9. If the code is current it will reappear.

9 - Press and release the odometer reset button to continue to the next module.

10 - Turn Ignition switch to OFF.

On models not equipped with a tachometer "No Rsp" will appear when the tachometer identifier is selected.

"No Rsp" (no response) will also appear if the run/off switch is in the off position when doing this procedure.


HFSM = Hands Free Security Module

TSM = Turn signalmodule

DTC’s are designated by a P,C,B or U

P codes indicate issues monitored by ECM

C codes indicate an issue with ABS

B codes are set by Radio, Instruments and BCM

U codes indicate a communication problems with the modules

Fault Code Abbreviation List

ABS – Anti-Lock Braking System

ACR – Automatic Compression Release

AFR – Air Fuel Ratio

AIS – Active Intake Solenoid

ATS – Air Temperature Sensor

BAS – Bank Angle Sensor

BCM – Body Control Module

CAN – Controller Area Network

CCM – Cruise Control Module

CKP – Crank Position Sensor

DLC – Datalink Connector

DTC – Diagnostic Trouble Codes

ECM – Electronic Control Module

ECT – Engine Coolant Temperature

ECU – Electronic Control Unit

EFI – Electronic Fuel Injection

EFP – Electronic Fuel Pump

ET – Engine Temperature sensor

FI – Fuel Injectors

FPR – Fuel Pressure regulator

H-DSSS – Harley-Davidson Smart Security System

HCU – Hydraulic Control Unit, ABS

[/stag_one_half][stag_one_half_last] HFSM – Hands Free Security Module

HO2S – Heated Oxygen Sensor

IAC – Idle Air Control actuator

IAT – Intake Air Temperature sensor

ICM – Ignition Control Module

IMAP – MAP + IAT in one unit

ISS – Ion Sensing System

JSS – Jiffy Stand Sensor

LHCM – Left Hand Control Module

MAP – Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

MHR – Right Hand Control Module

RCM – Reverse Control Module

TCA – Throttle Control Actuator

TGS – Twist Grip Sensor

TMAP – Intake Air Temperature / Manifold Absolute Pressure equipment

TPS – Throttle Position Sensor

TSM / TSSM – (Turn Signal / Turn Signal Security Module)

VE – Volume Efficiency

VIN – Vehicle identification number

VSS – Vehicle Speed ​​Sensor

WSS – Wheel Speed ​​Sensor

P0031 Front HO2S low/open

P0032 Front HO2S shorted/high

P0051 Rear HO2S low/open

P0052 Rear HO2S shorted/high

P0072 AAT sensor low

P0073 AAT sensor high/open

P0107 MAP sensor failed low/open

P0107 Map Sensor Open/Low

P0108 MAP sensor failed high/open port

P0112 IAT Voltage Low

P0113 IAT Voltage Open/High

P0117 ET Sensor Low

P0118 ET Sensor High

P0120 TPS1 Range Error

P0122 TPS1 Low

P0123 TPS2 High/Open

P0131 Front Oxygen Sensor Low / Engine Lean

P0132 Front Oxygen Sensor High / Engine Rich

P0134 Front Oxygen Sensor Inactive

P0151 Rear Oxygen Sensor Low / Engine Lean

P0152 Rear Oxygen Sensor High / Engine Rich

P0154 Rear Oxygen Sensor Inactive

P0220 TPS2 Range Error

P0222 TPS2 Low/Open

P0223 TPS2 High/Open

P0261 Front Injector Open/Low

P0262 Front Injector High

P0263 Rear Injector Open/Low

P0264 Rear Injector High

P0265 Rear injector shorted high

P0371 CKP sensor wrong number of pulses

P0373 CKP Sensor Intermittent

P0374 CKP Sensor Synch Error

P0444 Purge Solenoid Open/Low

P0445 Purge Solenoid High

P0501 VSS Sensor Low

P0502 VSS Sensor High/Open

P0503 VSS failed high

P0505 Idle speed control unstable

P0562 Battery/ECM Voltage Low

P0563 Battery/ECM Voltage High

P0572 Brake Switch Low

P0577 Cruise Control Input High

P0603 ECM EEPROM Memory Error

P0605 ECM FLASH Memory Error

P0641 5 Volt Reference 1 Out of Range

P0651 5 Volt Reference 2 Out of Range

P0691 Fan/cooling relay output low/open

P0692 Fan/cooling relay output high

P1001 System Relay Coil Open/Low

P1002 System Relay Coil High/Shorted

P1003 System relay contacts open

P1004 System Relay Contacts Closed

P1009 VTD Disabled Fuel Due to Incorrect Password

P1010 Missing Password

P1017 ET indicates overheating

P1019 ECT Difference (high temp)

P1270 TGS 2 A/D Validation Error

P1351 Front Ignition Coil Driver Open/Low

P1352 Front Ignition Coil Driver High/Shorted

P1353 Front Cylnder No Combustion

P1354 Rear Ignition Coil Driver Open/Low

P1355 Rear Ignition Coil Driver High/Shorted

P1356 Rear Cylinder No Combustion

P1357 Front Cylinder Combustion Intermittent

P1358 Rear Cylinder Combustion Intermittent

P1475 Exhaust Actuation Position Error

P1477 Exhaust Actuator Open/Low

P1478 Exhaust Actuator Shorted/High

P1501 Jiffy Stand Sensor Low

P1502 Jiffy Stand Sensor High

P1510 EFI Limited Performance Mode

P1511 EFI Power Management Mode

P1512 EFI Forced Idle Mode

P1514 ETC Air Flow Fault/Error

P1600 EFI Module Processor Internal Error / Watchdog Error

P1608 Loss of continuous battery

P1655 ACR solenoid low/open

P1656 ACR solenoid shorted high

P1691 Cooling fan left low/open

P1692 Cooling fan left shorted high

P1693 Cooling fan right low/open

P1694 Cooling fan right shorted high

P2100 EFI Motor Circuit Open

P2101 EFI Motor Circuit Range Performance (Actuation Error)

P2102 EFI Motor Circuit Low

P2103 EFI Motor Circuit High

P2105 EFI Forced engine shutdown

P2107 EFI Module Processor Internal Fault

P2119 EFI Motor Throttle Body RangePerformance

P2122 TGS1 Low/Open

P2123 TGS1 High

P2127 TGS2 Low/Open

P2128 TGS2 High

P2135 TPS Correlation Error

P2138 TGS Correlation Error (Twist grip sensor)

P2176 EFI Closed Position Not Learned

P2184 ECT sensor low

P2185 ECT sensor high

P2300 Ignition coil driver low/open (front)

P2301 Ignition coil driver shorted high (front)

P2303 Ignition coil driver low/open (rear)

P2304 Ignition coil driver shorted high (rear)
Need help with diagnostics

This may not be the place to ask, but I need help. This issue is not about my Freewheeler rather a good friends bike. (2008 Street Glide) In the past year, his check engine light has come on a couple of times with no other issues. Then recently, soon after a grip change it went into limp mode. We looked at the infamous green connector (for the TGS) in the handlebars and it looks fine, that is, not broken or disconnected. Now it's running fine again. Here's the problem. When we try to check for codes, we get P = no response, S = none, SP = none, T = none and b = no response. I believe the "b" is for anti-lock brakes which he doesn't have. Why do we get "P" = no response? The handlebar switch is "on". This bike has a Power Commander if that matters. Thanks for any ideas.
This may not be the place to ask, but I need help. This issue is not about my Freewheeler rather a good friends bike. (2008 Street Glide) In the past year, his check engine light has come on a couple of times with no other issues. Then recently, soon after a grip change it went into limp mode. We looked at the infamous green connector (for the TGS) in the handlebars and it looks fine, that is, not broken or disconnected. Now it's running fine again. Here's the problem. When we try to check for codes, we get P = no response, S = none, SP = none, T = none and b = no response. I believe the "b" is for anti-lock brakes which he doesn't have. Why do we get "P" = no response? The handlebar switch is "on". This bike has a Power Commander if that matters. Thanks for any ideas.

Strange with no response

The B is strange, I thought B is BCM?

Is The Power Commander capable of codes like the PV Tuner?
Thanks Jack, but this b seems to be an area of the diagnostics, not a DTC. The menu comes up as PSSPtb . The first area P and the last area b show "no response". The other three show "none". I'm really not familiar with the Power Commander either, but I don't think it's that advanced. Maybe it could be keeping the P from giving us the diagnostic view of the ECM? :xzqxz:
Thanks Jack, but this b seems to be an area of the diagnostics, not a DTC. The menu comes up as PSSPtb . The first area P and the last area b show "no response". The other three show "none". I'm really not familiar with the Power Commander either, but I don't think it's that advanced. Maybe it could be keeping the P from giving us the diagnostic view of the ECM? :xzqxz:

If the PC is plug and play I would un hook it and try a scan
DTC b2121 BCM malfuncti0on

I had a steady red check engine light on my '16 TG that popped up out of the blue. No maintenance lately or anything other than riding and wiping down. I followed Jack Klarich's advice to run through the DTC's and clear out the code, which turned out the light. 300 miles later still no problems. Thank you for your help, sir.

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