Dewinterized and ready for Spring


90+ Posts
May 15, 2014
Sunrise Beach, MO
Got Whitey IV ready for spring. Finally broke down and bought new seat and hope Momma likes it I am getting ready to buy a new set of rear tires, as the ones on there have been on the trike for at 9 years. They still look new but know they need replaced. My info sheet from motortrike says the rear tires should have 25 lbs of air in them.. is this what others are running. I also discovered I have an oil leak, since I place a large piece of cardboard under it when I put it up for the winter and there is a stain on it and I saw what looked like a drip on the frame today. Hoping just a loose oil or tranny drain plug... will jack it up when it warms up a little more and see if I can find the leak. Thinking of installing 12 apes on it, any thoughts...
Tire pressure

Dealers and tire manufacturers will not recommend anything less than 25 PSI for any road tire. That's the minimum they are tested at. In reality most rear trike tires perform best at about 22 PSI. The car tires on your trike are designed for loads much more than they will see on a trike. The tire manufacturer never envisioned them being used for such a light load. So they have a 25 PSI minimum for loads the tires were designed for. Trike dealers don't tell us anything (in writing) other than what the tire manufacturer specifies. Good luck..... Jim
Glad to hear you are getting the bike ready for the season. We've had one or two good days but the weather has not turned yet. With that, I suspect we are maybe two months away here in Michigan.

Hope the oil leaks does indeed turn out to be something loose. I too will have my oil changed when getting the trike ready to ride.

I have a CSC conversion and run 24 in my rear tires. For me, the ride is great at that point.

Good luck - enjoy.
Got Whitey IV ready for spring. Finally broke down and bought new seat and hope Momma likes it I am getting ready to buy a new set of rear tires, as the ones on there have been on the trike for at 9 years. They still look new but know they need replaced. My info sheet from motortrike says the rear tires should have 25 lbs of air in them.. is this what others are running. I also discovered I have an oil leak, since I place a large piece of cardboard under it when I put it up for the winter and there is a stain on it and I saw what looked like a drip on the frame today. Hoping just a loose oil or tranny drain plug... will jack it up when it warms up a little more and see if I can find the leak. Thinking of installing 12 apes on it, any thoughts...

Its A Harley its Supposed to leak! Read the manual Under Trouble shooting look up oil leaks it says Add Oil .:D
Good luck with your oil leak. Hope it's simple. Simple is easy.

Put 12" handle bars on mine last summer. They've worked out good for me.

For the air pressure, mine's at 22 PSI. No problems and rides a lot better.

Looking forward to spring with salt free roads.
Smitty, I've always run 22 in my rear tires on both of our trikes, never had a problem and it softens the ride a little.
April 1st is my timestamp, to take my girl off the jacks, and start her up...........She's been sitting in the garage, up on jacks, covered over with a nice warm "breathable blanket, with a battery maintainer plugg'd on to the battery.......I'm hop'nn for a warm March, with no more snow, and at least two good rain days to help wash away the salt on the road before I take her out of hibernation ....



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