Another Rainy Day In Florida

It's that time of the year Jack, here on the west coast, anytime after about 3 o'clock you can count on it.
We were in a drought and then 3 weeks ago it decided we weren’t anymore… lol, finally stopped today until a Monday night or Tuesday . Made me decide to take Monday.
We have had scattered rain showers everyday this week and the news shows the same for next week.......
Typical SW Florida summer here, no matter what the weather prediction is for each day it rains between 4 and 6pm. Not sure why they even bother each day assigning a percentage to the chance of rain, crazy. I know I can run errands on the Trike or take off for lunch but if we take it to dinner we will get wet.
I love a good rain'eeee day, this allows me to sit in garage and give ole "Blackie" another coat of wax ...

No riding today for sure. Tropical Storm Debby (soon to be Hurricane Debby) has made it up into the gulf. We just started getting the rain and some gusty winds at 8am outside of Port Charlotte. Being 20 miles inland I suspect we will have heavy rain for 10 or 12 hours and steady 30mph winds. Northern Florida won't be so lucky with this one.
We're ok here in the Tampa Bay area, lots and lots of rain, we've got about 50 mph winds off and on but not more than we get in a thunderstorm. The weather heads are saying we've already had 6" of rain which started around 10 AM here.
On another note, I hope Jack K is ok, Jaxsonville is getting hammered by Debby since early today, hope he and family are ok.

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