What's in 'Area 51'?

Phu Cat

2250+ Posts
Oct 4, 2011
Ocala, FL
I very seriously doubt it's an alien like so many people think. Even if they could travel at the speed of light, it would take more than one life time to get here from any other galaxy. Besides, if an alien COULD get here, what are the chances he could survive on oxygen as we do? An oxygen breathing alien is VERY unlikely!!! coming from another galaxy. Not to mention they're probably wanting to get back home after their trip to earth, so they'd have to be able to carry an ENORMOUS amount of fuel.

There are the best three reasons I can come up with as to why there are no aliens on earth. Did I miss anything or can you suggest a reason why my three guesses could be improved on???
You're assuming they only have the same capabilities and needs as us earthlings. They could have perfected time travel or quantum physics. They also could have the technology to be able to survive in our environment. Hell, look at the technological leaps and bounds we've made in 200 years. It's possible they have been around a lot longer, so they have had a lot of time to perfect space travel.
I usually hear them say there is no life on other planets. I think the proper thing to say is no life, as we know it, on other planets.

Or not
Have to agree with what you said, Deplorable, thought of all that before. If what you're saying is true tho, why haven't we heard from them or at least seen evidence of other 'life'. Maybe I'll be proven wrong some day, but for the time being I'm thinkin we're the only ones here.
The military has another base that is pretty protected and secured. White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) is 3,200 square miles. I spent a year stationed there at the end of my enlistment back in 1972-1973. You could hide a fleet of little green folks from Mars and no one would know.
There is no-telling what the government has hidden away. And there have been signs of alien visits thru out history. I don't guess it's anything to worry about but I sure wouldn't rule it out!!!!
Have to agree with what you said, Deplorable, thought of all that before. If what you're saying is true tho, why haven't we heard from them or at least seen evidence of other 'life'. Maybe I'll be proven wrong some day, but for the time being I'm thinkin we're the only ones here.
I don't know how you can be so close-minded. There is so much in this life that we do not understand.
Well Rogue, let's start with what we do know........Oh forget it, I'm just beating a dead horse.
Anything is possible. I believe we don't know what we don't know. I have a hard (impossible) time trying to reconcile a universe with no boundaries. And if there was an end to the universe, what is beyond that??? Several years ago, there was a UFO sighting dubbed The Phoenix Lights. Six or seven years ago I personally witnessed a string of lights moving across the night sky. Wife and I sat in our Golf cart and watched them for several minutes. And we both agreed on what we were seeing. A Half dozen lights in a row. Then one on the right side would disappear and a new one would appear on the left side. Maybe there could be a reasonable explanation but none were offered. So, I will live with not knowing what I don't know. Anything is possible.....
A secret is only a secret to one person . The government can NOT keep a secret. It will be reveled by someone in time . So is it real ? Or memorex ?
I wasn't very impressed with our response to the China "weather" ballons that were allowed to float all across the U.S. I'm even less impressed with the weeks of unidentified fleets of drones no one seems to know about. And let us not forget that over the last 3 years thousands and thousands of military age illegal Chinese men have crossed over into our country. Being X-military maybe I'm just a little more suspicious.
History repeats itself and if you consider how WW2 began, we certainly should be paying more attention in my opinion.
I question everything and I fact check. Its like when the news claimed there was an Iranian mother ship sending these drones up. I went to a map the shows the various ships at sea and to the map for military vessels and all that showed up were NYPD, NYFD and USCG boats near New Jersey shore and none further out in the Atlantic. It makes me wonder what the truth is, as everyone in power is saying they're not ours, then intercept one of these drones, knock it out of the sky, collect it and dissect it and see where it came from and who it belongs to. Shoot the damn things down and if it is an entity outside the US hopefully they'll get the hint.
All this nonsense right before Trump takes office. I had heard on a pod cast about Operation Blue Beam to create fear about an alien invasion.
I believe our government is lying and these drones belong to the US government. This drone fleet to frighten the people has been done before. Unexplained mystery drones spotted in multiple parts of Nebraska
I question everything and I fact check. Its like when the news claimed there was an Iranian mother ship sending these drones up. I went to a map the shows the various ships at sea and to the map for military vessels and all that showed up were NYPD, NYFD and USCG boats near New Jersey shore and none further out in the Atlantic. It makes me wonder what the truth is, as everyone in power is saying they're not ours, then intercept one of these drones, knock it out of the sky, collect it and dissect it and see where it came from and who it belongs to. Shoot the damn things down and if it is an entity outside the US hopefully they'll get the hint.
All this nonsense right before Trump takes office. I had heard on a pod cast about Operation Blue Beam to create fear about an alien invasion.
I believe our government is lying and these drones belong to the US government. This drone fleet to frighten the people has been done before. Unexplained mystery drones spotted in multiple parts of Nebraska
What’s crazy is why can’t these drones be tracked and followed to where they are being controlled from?
I still think it’s our Government up to no good. ….Maybe it’s just because I just don’t trust this current administration and I can’t wait until the change in January!

I did see this on FB and may explain it????? LOL!


But all kidding aside, maybe they really are not USA property? … but again, why can’t they track or follow them back to their “base” to whoever is controlling them?
That's what doesn't make sense, why are they not sending jets up to and intercept these drones and following them? They would do that if a private plane flew into restricted airspace. Something is fishy going on here.
Don't know what to believe but I have seen a few blurbs that say these drones are part of Space Force. The reasoning behind them is that there have been threats of dirty bombs being used sometimes in the near future and these drones are there to sniff out the presence of nuclear material in an attempt to locate it before it can be used. This could be a reasonable explanation to the failure of the government wanting to get involved in taking one down or further be willing to identify them. Hiding the real intention behind them from the public in an effort to prevent panic. Who knows...
Don't know what to believe but I have seen a few blurbs that say these drones are part of Space Force. The reasoning behind them is that there have been threats of dirty bombs being used sometimes in the near future and these drones are there to sniff out the presence of nuclear material in an attempt to locate it before it can be used. This could be a reasonable explanation to the failure of the government wanting to get involved in taking one down or further be willing to identify them. Hiding the real intention behind them from the public in an effort to prevent panic. Who knows...

That is the most reasonable explanation I have heard so far
If our government doesn't know what the drones are up to then whoever is in charge of our national security should be replaced!!! Actually, they should have been replaced when that Chinese balloon was crossing the country where our military bases are ! I still can't believe we let that happen !!!!!!!
Well mystery solved! All these drones that have been sighted are operating "legally and lawfully" according to the White House. And some are manned and some unmanned. Nothing to worry about. This comes in the heels of President Elect Trump demanding answers.

Well mystery solved! All these drones that have been sighted are operating "legally and lawfully" according to the White House. And some are manned and some unmanned. Nothing to worry about. This comes in the heels of President Elect Trump demanding answers.

LOL, can't find the "wink, wink" emoji
Here's how to take care of the Drones


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