Whats for Supper?

Mmmmmmmmmm on both of those!

We had Salad topped with bacon, feta cheese, crispy apple chunks, fried chicken strips, and Mike's had red onion slices too. Grilled cornbread slices on the side.
I marinated Lemon Pepper Boneless Chicken Breasts for a day and grilled them over charcoal. Homemade Hashbrowns with Onion, Corn, Bell Pepper cooked in em', Crock Pot Pinto Beans, Cornbread......:wtg:
skuuter, for some reason that all sounds more satisfying than Powerade and pork rinds to me......
This evening we went through McD's and got off the dollar menu with extra pickles and then went and sat at Sonic Drive Inn and ate so we could have banana splits for dessert. It was not as good as last nigt but it was funny to see the expression on their faces. :blush: :D :p
This evening we went through McD's and got off the dollar menu with extra pickles and then went and sat at Sonic Drive Inn and ate so we could have banana splits for dessert. It was not as good as last nigt but it was funny to see the expression on their faces. :blush: :D :p

I usually get one banana split a year (I could eat them more often, but don't need them). Cathy was gone to visit her parents so I stopped by for my fix, got it to go as I was in a hurry to get home.. Well got home and guess what they forgot to put the bananas in:eek: and yes this was at Sonic.. too far to drive back to town so I just ate the ice cream...Someone was telling me that I did not need it anyway...:yes:
I usually get one banana split a year (I could eat them more often, but don't need them). Cathy was gone to visit her parents so I stopped by for my fix, got it to go as I was in a hurry to get home.. Well got home and guess what they forgot to put the bananas in:eek: and yes this was at Sonic.. too far to drive back to town so I just ate the ice cream...Someone was telling me that I did not need it anyway...:yes:

That is just wrong, a banana split with no bananas. Ain't that a sundee??? :)
My sister made pasties and sent some on dry ice from Minnesota The real Yooper kind that Grandma used to make with turnip and rutabaga along with the meat and potato. Been too long - I've got to learn to cook them.

Tomorrow for lunch - you guessed it. A cold pasty. (Yum!)
Tomorrow for supper, whatever we find at Bikes, Blues and BBQ.
Since yesterday was my birthday and I had to work, Cathy made my special Birthday supper today..
Homemade Steak tempura, with rice. Hmmmmm good
I have some left over to take to work next week, if it makes it that long :D
Nothing wrong with eggs and bacon for dinner, I've done it many times.
I've had oatmeal and toast with tea or maybe grits with toast and tea.
But there is one important rule to live by; Life is uncertain, eat dessert first.

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