What Windows-based video editing software are YOU using?

Oct 27, 2012
Willow Grove, PA
Ray Harvey
I recently bought / mounted a video camera on my trike. Now I've filled up a few 32 GB memory chips, and I need to start editing the more memorable rides.

My home computers are all Windows-based. The video camera is .MOV formatted (MAC-based). I don't want to edit my video on the internet / cloud. I expect to spend around $75 ~ $100 on video editing software.

Also, I don't want to be a budding "director." I only need to delete some long-straight-road footage. And it would be nice to add a few titles, and text explaining what the viewers are looking at.

My question is, what brand / brands are YOU successfully using?

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Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I have an old Panasonic tape based VCR that mounts on the wind wing. Very stable, inexpensive, and I've ridden through torrential rains with this thing and it still works.

When I get home, I copy the video to my Win-doze computer and edit the clips with the free MS product called "Movie Maker". Seems to me there is a Mac version somewhere out there. Elements is also a great editor, and I still have an old CD copy, but didn't feel like paying for the upgrade.

Anyway, I usually create about a 3 minute clip with highlights of the road (Dragon, Snake, Diamondback or just plain country) and overlay some mood music, like Booker Ts "Green Onions" or AC DC "Highway to Hell". Movie Maker lets me transition between clip segments and add title pages at the start and credits at the end (of course, u can do the same thing with Elements).

Then I upload to a free cloud service (I use Box.com) so my kids can view my latest adventure, complete with musical accompaniment.

Lots of fun. Enjoy the experience. Share your clips on Youtube if you're brave enough. Put a post on TT so we can jump up there and see your creative juices at work.
Pinnacle 8 edit suite. Simple drag drop ,title ,edit trim, ad can music.
Thax both for sharing your experience. The software I ordered will be here Thursday, and then I have to learn how it works. Since the riding season is pretty much over this year in PA, I'll have lots of time to play with it.

You both commented on music. I quickly appreciated adding music after viewing my two memory chips full of riding (30+ hours) accompanied by a distant howl of wind and muted engine noises. I never appreciated music ON a motorcycle ~ I like the engine and exhaust sounds myself. But sitting in a chair in my den, it's tedious.

Fortunately, I have a daughter who has a huge collection of "music." And while much of it isn't recognizable "music" (at least not to MY ears) there are some albums / tracks that I recognize and can "liberate" to score my video productions.
A cool effect is to lower the ambient sound and put in music just loud enough to almost cover it up. You will have that choice with your editor. There will be a place to add a sound track and there will be a vol control for the original sound. Can't wait to see your first production. Where are you located?
Maybe you can make it to the NE TT RALLY this year!

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