What did you do to Your Tri-Glide Today?

Washed HER in the a.m. and rode into the mountains, Lake Tahoe and surrounding area. Found the snow level at about 8000 ft near the ski slopes. Winter is coming...............but what a beautiful ride today!
Walked past it a few times, rode it to Rite-Aid. But I ride it at least 20 miles 5 days a week, year round.
Originally Posted by onebadeagle
I had a total knee replacement last Monday so I went out to garage and looked at it for awhile, Hopefully will be back in saddle in another 2/3 weeks pepper

Good luck with your knee replacement. You're in the drivers seat now. Do your PT like your future walking ability depends on it, cause it does.
Rode it!

Wow, am I glad I put my taller windshield on the other day.

When I left the shop at 7:30 this evening the TG had ice all over it.

Got home and look at the outside thermometer, 26 degrees!
A few weeks ago I added the only luggage rack available to my year V-Rod. It's only a D shaped rack about 8" long, enough to carry a small bedroll. Yesterday I installed the true reason I wanted the rack, I am very proud to say Old Glory waves behind me. :)
Took a 200 mile round trip to Cedar Key for lunch yesterday with 16 bikes. We had a great seafood lunch on the water. Great ride also, temperature started out at a cool 48 degrees and ended at 68.
I manufactured an adaptor plate so I can install a HD Front Fork Baffle on my Tri Glide and get around the steering damper. Used a piece of aluminum bar stock 1/8" x 2".
Looked at it. Looked outside at the freezing rain coming down in the 22f temp.

TG would have handled it fine, my bones just did not want to get cold.

Instead, I tested out some "miracle cleaner" - Hogswipe - on the rear wheels. It made no noticeable improvement. :(

I do what i always do,
Drive every day [6:30 Am] to the local coffee shop about 5 miles or so' and get a bagel/coffee/paper no mater what the weather is.
At -27c, or about -16f, I looked at the bit of front tire sticking out from under it's winter cover. Went to work wondering if spring will ever come.

That's crazy cold!

When we were in Prince George last July the weather was great!


what i did today was put on my long sleeve shirt and took the wife out for a ride to a diner we enjoy going to about 40 miles away. of course we live in Florida so the temperature was 72 degrees and rising and by the time we returned it was 78 degrees. i know most of you must like where you live but after 52 years in N.Y. i got smart and moved to Florida 17 years ago and now wished i did it a long time before i did.
After 10 days in Arizona with the trike back in California, I rode her to breakfast this morning. It was 46* and a bit breezy. Thank heaven for Carharrts. 3 of my idiot, retired old bum biker buddies rode their bikes also. Guess we are just too stupid to drive the car.
I moved the sheet off the front end, and took a look. :( Here in south west Pa. 16 weeks of crap and we should have winter beat. Can't wait.

bigtim :)
Dropped the Tri-Glide at the Dealership today for more ESP work.

New stator for sure, and probably a new battery.

Will be picking it up tomorrow or Sunday. :)


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