Now that I got my suspension sorted out and have been riding a little more I have to say I'm not in love with my trike. I like it, it is...well... different, but I'm not happy with some of the trade offs you get with a trike. I have been riding motorcycles for forty years, on road and off road, and recently had major back surgery and I thought a trike would be the way to go, at least much easier on my back. Now riding in the twisty's is a real chore, you really got to manhandle the trike around curves. And the side to side jerkyness just hurts sometimes. So I took my old two wheeler out for a cruise the other day and felt much more comfortable. Now my wife says one of them has to go, she needs room in the garage for her bike, so what to do? I guess what I'm asking is, how long does it take to fall in love with a trike? Am I giving up too soon? I still can't take long trips on it yet because of the surgery, but I don't know if I can ever get used to that steering.