1+ Posts
Hello there. Nice to see a forum for fellow trike riders and share. I ride a customized 2005 Honda 1800 Goldwing with Lehman Monarch II conversion kit. What's unique about my situation is I am paralyzed. How is it I can ride when I can't walk and in a wheelchair? I was injured in a motorcycle accident with neck and back injuries when I was 20 years old (1973).
Even so, I never lost my love of riding and the feeling it gave me. I worked hard to recover from my injuries, long hours/days of rehab, saved my money and waited for technology to come up with what I would need to be able to ride. In 2005, after being snubbed by the local Harley Davidson dealer here in Bellingham, Wa., I found help from John and Rita of Onthree Trike conversions, Redmond, WA.
They helped me make my dream come true finding a Honda bike, put a Lehman kit on it, and arranged for a specially designed and engineered wheelchair rack on a swing arm, all hand controlled with a Kliktronic shifter, integrated brakes and special foot rests. Riding my trike gives me a feeling of freedom like no other. It helps me forget about my pain and feel alive. You all know what I'm talking about. Here's a picture from 2013, heading to Monument Valley with my wife, who's taking the picture. Thanks for reading. --Wayne
Even so, I never lost my love of riding and the feeling it gave me. I worked hard to recover from my injuries, long hours/days of rehab, saved my money and waited for technology to come up with what I would need to be able to ride. In 2005, after being snubbed by the local Harley Davidson dealer here in Bellingham, Wa., I found help from John and Rita of Onthree Trike conversions, Redmond, WA.
They helped me make my dream come true finding a Honda bike, put a Lehman kit on it, and arranged for a specially designed and engineered wheelchair rack on a swing arm, all hand controlled with a Kliktronic shifter, integrated brakes and special foot rests. Riding my trike gives me a feeling of freedom like no other. It helps me forget about my pain and feel alive. You all know what I'm talking about. Here's a picture from 2013, heading to Monument Valley with my wife, who's taking the picture. Thanks for reading. --Wayne