Looking for more power

My C50 trike is great to ride with the new seats, 5 degree rake on the head stock and a J&M cb radio so now I am looking for more power. The C50 805 cc engine is solid and reliable; however, it works hard to keep up with my riding colleagues on Gold Wings, 1500 and 1800 powered. I am curious if the C50 chassis can handle a larger displacement engine, 1100, 1300 or larger. For sure this would be a major upgrade if it is achievable. :confused:
I don't know the answer for sure but it's highly unlikely that your going to put any engine other than the size that came in it in without alot of modifcations to the frame,wiring,and maybe fuel system.
I might be wrong but I think the frame is the same as a C90… I would check.. might could find a donor C90. We had a C50 Volusia and it was missing that top speed to keep up… CNt imagine trikingit.. Sell it and buy something bigger
I might be wrong but I think the frame is the same as a C90… I would check.. might could find a donor C90. We had a C50 Volusia and it was missing that top speed to keep up… CNt imagine trikingit.. Sell it and buy something bigger

Will be checking out the C90 specs to compare with C50 frame. Thanks for the suggestion!

Can anyone answer the question - is the C50 the same as the C90 frame? If so will the C50 frame accommodate the C90 engine assembly? Is such a swap achievable?

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