Hello I from vegas 2


500+ Posts
Gold Member
:wave4: Hi. From vegas i'm new to this site. i will try to help if i and when i can. i hope that when i need the same yu all will be able to help me. :yes:

I ride JOY she is a beautiful black 2002 Darn Fine Trike DFT GL1800, I built her myself, in my garage.
Welcome to the board.. I think as U can see, if U ask a question U will get a lot of answers. We all try to help each other on here, some have more knowledge than others. But that is ok, we all work together.
And whatever we can't answer Nana does, she knows everything :D

As U can see we love pictures so don't be afraid to post them anytime..
ride safe and enjoy..
Hello Triwinggirl :clan: and feel free to ask all the trike questions you want here.
Welcome from Florida:wave4:, there's a great group of people here stick around it gets better :party::beerchug::yay:
welcome triwinggirl.
all you people checking in from vegas only make me wish i could be on my way there to visit again. don't know how it is to live there, but wife and i LOVE to vacation there.
always good to have another wingnut on board, also!
you'll enjoy yourself on this board.
:2cents: very hot
otherwise just like anywhere else just nothing green.
all the senery around here is desert all looks the same
triwinggirl - Welcome to the best trike forum on the web. Please do share your knowledge.I can personally give an answer to any possible question anyone could ever ask! Unfortunately, I don't know squat, the answer will be unrelated to the question, but I try not let that stop me! LOL
Welcome aboard triwingirl. Post some pictures when you can. Congrats on the build, it feels great to be able to say "I did the build"
WELCOME to TRIKE TALK.....Great Forum....Glad You're enjoyin' Your Trike....I'm about a 5,000 miles and 6 weeks into trikin' "newbie" myself....Lovin' it...:):cool: