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    • jjvw
      Seems like they would cause the brakes to over heat from too little air flow. Maybe not on a easy cruise but how about in the twisties...
    • jjvw
      Back in the the 70s, We had problems in our race cars when we used leftover high octane fuel in the tank after replacing a blown engine...
    • jjvw
      jjvw replied to the thread Maggie Valley 2024.
      We finally got are truck back from transmisson repair. Guess they wanted to wait until my birthday. We are loading the trike and will...
    • jjvw
      jjvw replied to the thread Maggie Valley 2024.
      We are doing the Devils Triangle monday. It's only 10 m away. Jan & John
    • jjvw
      jjvw replied to the thread Maggie Valley 2024.
      Our old truck decided to stop at Rocky Top TN and go no further. Repair shops will not be open until tuesday. Then depending on whats...
    • jjvw
      jjvw replied to the thread Maggie Valley 2024.
      A little early? We will be arriving the 31st. We usually come earlier, but decided to add a couple extra days and stay longer.
    • jjvw
      jjvw replied to the thread Maggie Valley 2024.
      Sorry, we will miss you. We haven't been on TT much ourselves so we don't know your details. We are getting long in the tooth ourselves...
    • jjvw
      Mac since 1984 because it doesn't use microsoft
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