Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

After a couple days in Fairbanks we are off to Denali, where Mt. McKinley is.


Another great day to ride!


Quite a few changes in terrain between Fairbanks and Denali.


Stopped at the Fireweed Roadhouse. Had some sandwiches in the parking lot and took a couple of pics.



Got within 22 miles and hit road construction. 10 miles of gravel.


But it was wetted down, so not so bad after a 20 minute wait for the pilot truck.


After it turned back to pavement, we stopped for gas. Almost there, let's go!


Big Sky!


Even though the park road is closed to private vehicles after the first 15 miles, that is our plan, ride in the first 15 miles, having a look around. Mary and I talked about riding the bus tour thru the rest of the park...decided against it.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Got a little rain once in the park.


We got all the way to the 15 mile mark, saw some caribou, but the pics did not turn out.

Walked around a bit. Saw some more caribou off in the distance. Too far for our camera.


Headed back toward the entrance. That is Mt. McKinley in the distance. It looked much more impressive to the eye than what the camera captured.

We were fortunate, according to the literature, only about 30% of the time is it visible during this time of year. Usually too many clouds.


There was some snow on the side of the road, ice really, and like any kid, I had to go play in it a bit.


Moose munching on some bushes on the side of the road. We were about 20 feet away.


Back on the road, looking for a motel. Stopped at several within 10 miles of the park. All Full, no rooms. We went on to Cantwell, about 30 miles and found the Bluesberry Inn.

It's really a bunch of log cabins. Good price, and very nice.


Evanaline got a room right off. He did not have a second room ready, suggested we go down to the cafe for some dinner, it would be ready when we got back.

As far as we could tell there were only 4 businesses in town, the Inn, 2 gas stations and this Cafe.



Back at our little cabin. This pic was taken around 10:30 pm. I'm digging that it never gets dark!

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

On the road to Anchorage.

Leaving the Bluesberry Inn. This was a good find.

Every morning I pack up the trunk, mount the video camera. Mary packs the Tour-Pak and bungees stuff on the rack.

Mary giving the "thumbs up", ready to go!


This was one of the two gas stations in town. Gotta love the outside wall and signage!


Moving down the road...on our way to Anchorage!


We come around the bend...and we see this!


Supposedly there is only a 30% chance to see the entire mountain this time of year...we have seen it clearly two days in a row!!!


Much better view than we saw yesterday in the park. Pictures still don't convey what it was really like to see this monster!


We were a bit in awe! Took a LOT of pictures.


On down the road, nice road, nice curves, great day for riding!


Had to stop again for another pic! Panoramic


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Continuing on our way toward Anchorage.

Mary and I typically average 500 mile days, and will pull a 650 to 750 mile day every now and then. But since we hit Canada and Alaska a full day might be 200-300. So much to see....and then the gravel. lol


Not sure if you can tell from the pic, but this is a pretty steep, and long, hill. Lots of these.

You can see it is warmer...Mary is not wearing any gloves!


Getting closer...the signs are in miles now, not kilometers.


Not sure why it was a surprise, I guess we thought being closer to Anchorage the gravel was over. NOT.


We were about in the middle of 50 cars going thru this 5+ mile stretch.


We have seen more than a few dropped bikes along the way.


Yep, Evangaline is still back there!


There were some nice mountains right outside of Wasilla. I thought we would be riding thru them, but the road turned a different way to Anchorage. :)


The road to Anchorage out of Wasilla was the closest we've seen of interstate/freeway type road and traffic in a few weeks.


We arrived at the motel in Anchorage and Mary was very interested in the millions of cottonwood seeds flying around everywhere. They would bunch up in places and look like snow.


I had some computer work I had to do...so we were in Anchorage a few days. The last day we were there Mary and I took a ride around. Will post up those pics, plus the glacier boat ride pics in the next day or two.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

One day in Anchorage we spent a few hours just riding around. (Alaska is a free choice state on helmets, that was nice for a change)

It's the largest city we've been in for the last month.



Stopped at the park. Went and did a little tourist shopping. Sent a box back to the home. They are doing a fantastic job of taking care of everything while we're gone.


Heading down to the Pacific Ocean, Mary got an interesting pic.


All the locals we spoke to said the best way to see the ocean is to go down to the end of the Northern Lights Road. A bit gray, and not the same as the beaches in California. :D


Mostly rock, some glacier silt....AND Mary.


Looking at the hill I gotta walk back up! lol


What's left on an entire car that is mostly buried on the beach.


Dunno if someone drove down there and got stuck, if it got washed up on the shore, or what. It looks like it has been there awhile.


Just a bit down the road from the "beach" we saw this big guy on the side of the road.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

In 1964 there was a big earthquake in Alaska (2nd largest earthquake in recorded history), changed A LOT of the terrain. Some places are 24 feet LOWER than they were previously, some 30 feet HIGHER.

We went to Earthquake Park to look around.


Read one of the signs.


Headed into the woods and we were immediately surrounded by hundreds of mosquito's. I wasn't having any part of that on my lazy tourist day off. Ran/walked (as fast as my foot would let me) back to the bike. Mary was cracking up the whole time! lol


Just down the road a bit saw this guy...even larger rack than the last one!


At the Anchorage HD Dealership.


Took a look around. They had a softail there with similar paint to ours.


While there I got a quote on a new front tire. They wanted $440.00. This is the same tire that goes on all the touring bikes.

I had a new front tire put on 1700 miles before leaving on the trip. But in Anchorage it was 1/32" away from the wear bars...3/32" away from being a slick. I got varying opinions from the folks around on whether I could make it back to the lower 48 or not on the tire. Most thought I could. lol

In any case, I just could not spend $330 for the tire and $110 for mounting it.

Our motel was just a mile away from Lake Hood.


There are over 700 float planes docked around the shore.


It was a sight to see them lined up taking off and landing.

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

When we first starting talking about this summers trip, we were going to ride around the North-Eastern USA.

Then Mary said, "let's go to Alaska".

I had never thought much about riding to, or around, Alaska. So I asked her to make a list of what she wanted to see/do there.

Top on here list was a day cruise around Prince William Sound.

What she lined up was a train ride out of Anchorage to Whittier, from there we got on a boat (ship?) and went for a 6 hour tour.

At the train station in Anchorage.


It's been many years since I was on a train. It was comfortable and we never had a lack of scenery out the windows.


Playing around.


For some reason we don't seem to have a pic of the boat we rode on. It was nice, had indoor seating, good food, and plenty of room out on the deck. Also had complimentary binoculars for us to use.


Amazing land up here!


Couple of glaciers going right up to the water.

I never really understood what a glacier was, even though we've seen hundreds of them over the last few weeks.

Basically a glacier is a frozen river, moving very slowly, but always moving.

When a chunk of it breaks off at the end, called calving (which we were able to observe) it is pretty dadgum loud!


We came in pretty close to the "Surprise" Glacier. Yes, those are BIG chunks of ice floating in the water...15% above the surface and 85% below. They are BIG! And the boat was hitting them pretty regular, although they did maneuver around some of the bigger ones. Could not help but think of the Titanic. :unsure:



I think this is Mary's favorite day on the trip so far.


Another panoramic shot.


More pics in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

We saw a lot of sea otters while out. Here is a raft of them.


Close up-


Waterfalls everywhere!


Back at the train taking us back to Anchorage.


A momma moose and her baby thru the train window.


Another shot thru the train window...he looks like he's looking for trouble. lol


The tide is out. That "sand" is glacier silt. Dangerous to walk on, can be like quicksand.


Last shot of the day...getting close to Anchorage.

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Kevin and Mary, you guys are doing an awesome job of making us feel like we are on this trip with you. Thanks so much for taking time and pics to allow us to enjoy your trip too.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

I always heard that Alaska is beautiful and now I see why!
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

One question; did you eat at Humty's near the bus station in Anchorage? Also, I just had my front tire R & R; $149 mounted out the door. Stone Mountain HD in Conyers, GA had a sale. Really great prices.

I've been to Alaska three times on vacation; rented motorhomes. I'd love to bike it. I guess it's one of those trips you just p,an and do it.

I've loved your postings.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Leaving out of Anchorage for Tok.


Folks chop Harley's all the time, not too often you see a VW van chopped.

Looks like they took a few feet out of the middle!


Both Mary and I are happy to be back on the road! I got the work done I needed to, we went and saw the Surprise Glacier, got laundry done, and we were both itching to get back in the saddle.


Did not take us long to get away from the overcast that covered Anchorage most of the time we were there.


We are headed for Tok, a city we have already been in, but on a different road!


I did not realize Mary had taken this picture until looking just awhile ago. Periodically I ask her for a tissue to clean the lens on the video camera. Just put it on cruise and give it a few wipes to get any bugs off it.

How she handed me the tissue and got a picture of it at the same time, with herself in the mirror, I do not know. lol


Man, it feels good to be back riding again, and the roads and scenery today are great!


Came around a corner and saw this...pointed it out to Mary, but she was already getting a pic.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

It is the Matanuska Glacier. It is enormous. Was sort of cool that it was lower elevation than us also.

It is 26 miles long and 4 miles wide. That is a LOT OF ICE!


We stopped for gas, that valley to Marys right is the where the top of the glacier is. Can't see it well in the pic, but it was a pretty amazing sight.


While at this gas stop, talked to a local who had just came in from the hills a few miles down the road. Said he saw a herd of 500+ caribou...be careful going down the road. We did not see any, but it was interesting talking with him.

Notice, no premium, only 87 octane. Had to add some octane booster, it is working well.


Some great sights today!

You can see from the trees, we are riding into a 20+ mph headwind.


I asked Mary how she gets these pics to the side when we're going down the road at 70 mph. She is moving the camera with the thing she is taking a picture of, and snaps the shot while the camera is moving.


Did I mention how great it was to be back riding today? :)



What is that? Are we going to it? Nope, we ended up turning before we got to it, but we had a good view of it for many miles.


Hundreds of sweepers today, good road surface, perfect riding day!


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Very little traffic, this was probably the least amount of cars or bikes we have seen so far. Might be why the road is in better condition than most. lol


We are still going into a stiff headwind.


Looks like there may be rain ahead...but we never saw it.


Just great riding roads!!!


Well, the road had to end sometime. We came into Tok, got gas at the same station as last time, and stayed in the same motel.

For the 30 miles or so before Tok, we saw thousands of dragonflies. They were stuck all over the bike, here's a pic of one stuck on Marys chaps.


Next to us in the motel were 3 gals. One who lives in Anchorage, rides a Heritage. The other two were riding up from Idaho, two-up on the Tri-Glide. They were in their late 60's and having a blast!

We talked for a while, compared TG's and experiences on the road. They had a clutch problem a few days back, but fortunately were in a city with an HD Dealer and got it fixed.

Wish I had gotten their pics, but here's their bikes.

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Great looking trip.Thanks for the pics.RIDE SAFE

Thanks! Will do!

Kevin and Mary, you guys are doing an awesome job of making us feel like we are on this trip with you. Thanks so much for taking time and pics to allow us to enjoy your trip too.

Thank you!

I always heard that Alaska is beautiful and now I see why!

Yes, it's quite amazing. "The Last Frontier".

Very nice pictures. One day we might get there. I know you having a great time.

Thank you!

One question; did you eat at Humty's near the bus station in Anchorage? Also, I just had my front tire R & R; $149 mounted out the door. Stone Mountain HD in Conyers, GA had a sale. Really great prices.

I've been to Alaska three times on vacation; rented motorhomes. I'd love to bike it. I guess it's one of those trips you just p,an and do it.

I've loved your postings.

No, did not eat there...sounds like we missed a good meal?

$149 is a great price!

I understand why you've been 3 times! I can see us going back, we are WAY behind schedule, and we passed up so much.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Adding my thanks as well for sharing. Some of us live these ride through folks that actually do the ride and share.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Leaving out of Tok for Haines Junction. (we are still in Alaska, signs are in miles still)

We have a couple of days now that we will be riding the same roads as earlier.

Then we will be turning south on the Cassiar Hwy toward Stewart.


Right off the bat, looking like another great riding day!


Check out my mirror. lol Mary has her technique down. Strap around her wrist, two smallest fingers hold the case to keep it from flapping around, middle finger and thumb hold the camera, index finger on the shutter button.


This is big country up here!


A little water for my insides.


And a little water for outside.

Just a bit of drizzle/light rain...enough to tempt me to do some drifting in the curves. But I didn't, and Mary was happy for that. :)


Here's the Yukon!


The next few days will be in Canada again...first the Yukon, and then BC.


Right after those two signs we got this one!


Some dusty roads.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Some washboard roads.


Some rocky roads.


Some muddy roads.


Some paved roads.


All different kinds of roads...all in the 25 km between the actual Canadian border and the customs checkpoint.

btw, of the 3 times we have entered Canada, only at the first one did they do any kind of search of the bike.


Past Customs and officially in the Yukon.

After the Dawson Highway the Yukon roads don't seem near as bad. lol


Cool pic!


Mary was probably focusing on the clouds, I am seeing the road and thoroughly enjoying the ride! Even though it is gravel, it is smooth. oops, someone coming our way making some dust.


I saw that and realized the car tires on the TG were probably kicking up some dust...asked Mary to take a pic behind us...we are making a pretty good cloud ourselves!


The breeze is blowing it our way. Time to close the helmet and vents for a few minutes!


More in next post.

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