Making the Fat Bottom Girl an "AMG" Edition.

The FBG's Struttin' Her Stuff!!

Congrats Fuzzy, she looks great with the new additions. You guys do great work and the details and photos are a huge bonus!

I got my Decatted Header Pipe a couple weeks ago, but after seeing the detail involved in getting your header pipes and mufflers spot on, I'm strongly reconsidering not installing the decatted pipe at all, certainly won't attempt this myself. I may check prices for an independent, if a good one is available in my area, but for now I'm taking that installation off the table.:laugh:
Congrats Fuzzy, she looks great with the new additions. You guys do great work and the details and photos are a huge bonus!

I got my Decatted Header Pipe a couple weeks ago, but after seeing the detail involved in getting your header pipes and mufflers spot on, I'm strongly reconsidering not installing the decatted pipe at all, certainly won't attempt this myself. I may check prices for an independent, if a good one is available in my area, but for now I'm taking that installation off the table.:laugh:

The reason I chose to do this is simple, the benefits to the engine, runs cooler, breathes better, not to mention, the removal of the furnace under my right foot. I recommend you do, or have some one do this, unless you're in Ca. LOL

In the past I have used my local Harley Dealer. They only charged me an hour labor on two wheelers and I think they said it's 1.5 hours on the trike (I had that done as part of the deal on the 15). So the labor costs aren't bad. With all new clamps and new gaskets, it was like $79.90 for parts (there was also 4 o-rings and 2 transition gears for the arm rests in there (I think, like $9-$10) so not sure of the parts prices). But depending on your local dealers labor rates, shouldn't be more than like $250-$350.

I chose to do the work myself with Don's help because:

1) I like doing it

2) I know what was done and every time I do anything on a bike/trike/car/dishwasher/etc., I learn something (I inherited from my Grand Father on mom's side, a scary confidence that allows me to tackle anything (he put himself through the depression finding stuff in the trash fixing it and selling it) ... LOL ... I am confident that this will bite me in the b$tt some day. If I take it apart, I've never been not able to get it back together.)

3) I'm fairly confident when I do it, it was done right, or at least not wrong. LOL. May take me longer than the dealer because I don't have a lift to put everything right at my eye level, I don't have all the best tools (I do have correct tools for any job, if I don't, I will, just maybe not the one that allows me to bring a certain job home quickly. For example, I modified a socket to do the O2 sensors, years ago ... I don't have the HD socket. With the HD socket, it would be a little more difficult to damage the O2 sensors, so you might be a little quicker moving them. Also, HD techs do exhaust replacements a lot more than I do, I've done like 3 ... so I naturally go slower.

So having said all this, in terms of $$$ ... it's probably cheaper to have someone else do this in terms of $$$ vs. Time. I've had some "shoddy" work done by HD techs in the past ... when my 15 left the dealer after the deal with the Screaming Eagles on and the Vance and Hines head pipe, I got home and was putting on floor boards and such and found there was no clamp on the right muffler ... at all ... I called them and they said bring it in, we'll fix it ... duh. My fear has always been, what don't I catch after they tear stuff apart and put it back together, "under the skin". When I do the work, I look around where I did the work and "look for left overs" ... LOL ... I think this is harder at a dealer where the tech may have a few jobs going on at once.

i have also had some really great repairs done by the same dealer. When my drive belt got a rock penetrating it on my 15, it came out of that major job better that it went in. The rear "alignment" was way better after the repair than when I got it from the factory. It kind of depends on where they are in what I call the "cycle of techs". The local dealer, lays off techs over the winter and will rehire them if they haven't found jobs by spring.

The issue is, the way unemployment works, each time you get laid off in seasonal work, the next time you get less. Th first year, you get unemployment based on a full 24 months prior employment. Next year is the same, but, there will be 4-6 months where unemployment is in there and doesn't count, Next year there is 8-12 months of unemployment in the mix, etc. I didn't understand how this worked until one of the long term mechanics there told me about that. Kind of sad, but, I guess it's designed that way to get people to seek full time employment. This guy gets how the system works, so, he saves when he makes good money. What happens with the good younger ones that come out of the tech schools is they can't afford to live the second year or third, so they find a job with a more non seasonal dealer. And my dealer will hire new "trained" kids. They are not bad, just unexperienced.

Another contributing factor to "shoddy" work is these new "trained" kids get paid based on the quantity of work they do, that the dealer can get paid for, not quality (I think this is standard with all mechanics). So, they concentrate on learning how to do things fast, not necessarily right. The head pipe on my 15, with the missing clamp, was done by a first year tech, the service manager was livid that it happened and we talked about why it happened, speed vs. quality. After our conversation he kind of understood why it happened or at least acknowledged that he did.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying a "seasoned" mechanic or myself included won't do something silly (my first Gold Wing air filter replacement, I got it 80% back together and realized I hadn't put the air filter inlets back on, recently, I got Jessica all back together after the LCD replace and realized there was a part on the floor and had to figure out where it came from and take it all apart to fix it), but, the more experience you have, the less likely this will happen. Also, when I do something silly, I fix it right and learn from it.

So, that is part of why it takes me longer ... LOL ... another biggie, I don't have a stocked parts department to walk to to get something. I gotta run somewhere ... LOL.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying in anyway way, shape or form that HD, Honda, Victory, Indian, Champion, Hannigan, etc, techs are not good techs. What I'm saying is like myself, they are human. There is only one man that I know of that was without error, all of the others of us are flawed and will make mistakes. I also think in our "Disposable Society", we tend to replace broken things rather than fix them and we replace things based on a diagnostic computer (try to find a TV repairman ... LOL ... talk about a rare breed). IMHO, this has turned most mechanics into "parts changers", we don't even call them mechanics any more ... we call them techs. There are exceptions to the rule here, some Indy shops are staffed with guys that wanted to be mechanics, not techs, but, not all, there are some that just wanted to keep most of the profit for themselves rather than pay the man, human nature.

I have taken the time to post about this, mainly because I "see" members on the forum chose to not do things that they feel need to be done because they have apprehensions about it getting done right or doing it themselves (Not picking on you Shape Shifter, you just happen to have posted on point).

My main reason for posting about this was that as the consumer, we need to do our homework, the bigger the job, the more we need to do it. A huge example is trike conversions, I'd love to have a nickel for every time I've read, "Research builders and get feedback on them before you use them". This is a huge investment (converting a bike to a trike) so we all understand it. The smaller work, should still be pursued with a similar level of "homework". Not saying spend months learning about a dealers service department, for an oil change, but, if you have a dealer do an oil change on a bike/trike without at least looking into reviews and they botch it and you later learn that "reviews" of that service department are horrible, do we have some level of responsibility for that??? I don't know,

What I do know, We have the power of the wallet. If you do research and find lots of bad reviews (you're never gonna find anyone with 100% positive review, it's retail and you can't make every one happy, no matter how hard you try. I myself have refunded customers money and told them to find another pool guy because they clearly were never gonna be happy with me and maybe they would be happy with someone else.). If we as consumers chose to not use the places that are not doing it "right", they will either learn to do it right or fail. That's how we as consumers affect change.

WOW ... I just re read this and decided I better get off my soap box ... :AGGHH:
Cold, Damp, Rainy and Dreary Day

I don't know if anyone has paid the really big $$$ for the Harley passenger arm rests. Personally, I would not have spent the money for them. But, the PO did add them, so, I'll deal with them. I wouldn't of bought them for two reasons:

1) I have no need for them, although they will probably hold the pet palace really well ... LOL.

2) I think there are many aftermarket ones that are more reasonably priced that would do a good job.

Having said that, these guys are beefy .... this is like a 3/4" steel rod bolted to the trike trunk and down through the frame. The arm rests themselves are hefty with a pretty kewl spring loaded pocket. Might fit like keys, maybe gloves, gum ... ya know ... little stuff.


Okay, review over. I think that if something is there, it should work well. I'm fairly sure that if the arm rests are removed, there will be holes left. So, they should work well.

My issue with these things is the arm rest pads spin on their posts while going down the road. When you stop they are always pointing in weird directions. I can literally "spin" them and they will spin for several seconds. Drives me crazy.

So ... I decided to look for a "fix". I'm guessing these things did not sell well (price probably) because the only fix I found is a "repair kit" offered by HD. I ordered the parts when I got the parts for the exhaust. I went and picked them up this morning.


Four o-rings and two transition gears ... not a lot to hang my hopes on, but, I'll try. Simple to install. Since I knew the parts where in and it was to rain today, I slipped the arm rest pads off and brought them in the house yesterday. It was really easy to install the parts. Only tool, a dental pick.

Used the dental pick to get the o-ing out of the bottom slot, then to "open" the transition gear to let it slide off and finally use the dental pick to remove the "top" o-ring.

In reverse order I used the dental pick to install the top o-ring, then the new transition gear and finally the bottom o-ring.

New and Old.jpg

Closeup of the installed parts.


It is pouring right now so maybe later or tomorrow I'll put them in. I think the instructions call for dielectric grease to be put on the gears and o-rings, so when I can install them, whatever grease it calls for I'll use. We'll see if this fixes the "spinning" or is an Alan fix in the works ... LOL.
Kudos to Harley Davidson

So we had a real in the rain ... so ... I went out to the garage ... Lubed these things up and put them on their respective mounts.

I gotta give HD credit ... for like $9 in parts, I got the pads to have enough resistance to not spin. Will they stay in place at 75 mph on the highway? I'm not sure, but, I can no longer "spin" them, they stop almost as soon as you let go of them.

If this doesn't work, I may go to an o-ring the same ID, but maybe a tad thicker with the OD. We'll see.
yea yea ... I'm a moderator, but, that don't mean I know what I'm doing ... :blush:

Does anyone know if you can upload a sound file? I thought I'd "record" the Fat Bottom Girl at idle and maybe clearing her throat. (Not even sure how to do that yet ... LOL).

I can do a video with my phone, but, I don't think I can upload that without some sort of hosting thing. Alan don't do social Media unless you count TT.
Thanks, will keep all that you've said in mind.

Right now I'm grounded......was having lower back spasms after over exertion during last week's work on the trike. Likely because I wasn't doing any exercising to strengthen those muscles during the winter months. Anyway, was advised to give those muscles a good bit of rest, do mild exercises and ease back into any stooping, bending and lifting projects..... and do so with moderation! That's code for, "at your age, take it slow and easy". Yea, I suppose slow and steady wins the race, but darn hard to do after years of being a hard charging go getter.
Thanks, will keep all that you've said in mind.

Right now I'm grounded......was having lower back spasms after over exertion during last week's work on the trike. Likely because I wasn't doing any exercising to strengthen those muscles during the winter months. Anyway, was advised to give those muscles a good bit of rest, do mild exercises and ease back into any stooping, bending and lifting projects..... and do so with moderation! That's code for, "at your age, take it slow and easy". Yea, I suppose slow and steady wins the race, but darn hard to do after years of being a hard charging go getter.

I resemble those remarks ... LOL ... my back has been reminding me I'm not a young pup anymore, no spasm, but the constant dull aches from the abuse I put it through ... LOL ... the rain isn't helping with my arthritis ... but I will muddle through ... might hit the hot tub again .. it helps, but, only for an hour give or take. Get better and go easy on the upgrades ... they will be there tomorrow or next week .. :D
Cold, Cloudy and down right dreary

But no rain ... :D

Did two rides this morning ... one to "tune" the trike after the de catted head pipe and Vance and Hines Twin Slash Cut Ovals ... and one to see how the trike made power and to gauge noise level after tuning.

First one was about 30 miles and include around town, some country roads and about 20 miles of highway at speeds between 60 and 80 in 5th and 6th gear.

Second one was after tuning and included pretty much the same route, but, filled first and reset the PV trip A&B.

First, not sure I will need the quiet baffles .. I might if I can find then (out of stock every where, Dawn at DK is working on an option) just to have the option to test a quieter baffle. The trike performed very well ... power was amazing and effortless ... on a long 7% grade at 75 mph, there was virtually no drop in speed and very little change in engine noise levels. I am very pleased with the performance end.

Now, sound ... I was a little concerned when I first fired up FBG after the exhaust changes. As I was tuning the bike, you could almost hear it mellow and you could feel it smooth out wherever I was in the tuning band. After the tuning run, I loaded what the PV had learned, filled her up and went on the same route as before. I'm very happy with the rumble. Is it louder than stock ... a bit. Does it bark when you get on it ... yep. Will it get me pulled over for loud pipes ... not a chance. Here's a pic of the PV as I pulled into my street, the last part of the trip was at 40 mph, so the mpg's might be off a bit. Also ... fairly chilly out, so can't judge the temps too well. Good news, the cold weather end of the tuning is done.

Tune PV.jpg

I will do a few more tuning runs, but at 75-80 mph, the bike is very smooth and mellow. I did come up on a tandem tractor trailer and got on it to pass ... I went from 75 to 90 in a blink ... I was happy ... back on cruise at 75 and it again mellowed out.

There was another test to be performed ... I wanted to see if the HD "fix" for the armrests actually would keep the pads from spinning around. Before I started the trike, I set the pads straight forward. After the first "Tuning" run I remembered the arm rests ... I took a pic, this is after 30 miles at speeds from 20 mph in stop and go (or at least what we call stop and go ... more go than stop) and 80 mph on I70.

Arm Rest Stabil.jpg

I would call that a successful test ... I don't think it will need an "Alan Fix". :D Actually ... I was so impressed ... I actually wrote a review on about the armrests ... ya know ... now that they work right ... my first HD review.
Cabin Fever

Okay ... it's getting bad .... between my knee replacement and caring for my God dog, Alan-fying a Gold Wing and Now the Fast Bottom Girl ... I need a meandering ride ... but ... kind of early to be roaming aimlessly around in my neck of the woods, so ... I made reservations for the 5th of May in Mesquite, Nv. and then the 9th of May in Mesquite again ... gonna do a ride to Mesquite ... like 420 miles ... then do 3 days in meandering mode in Nevada-ish, maybe Arizona. End up back in Mesquite on the 9th, home the 10th.

I have electrics, 3 wheels, a 2 gallon Roto PaK gas tank ... should be good to clear my head. By then the God Dog will be well and not need checking on.

I'm thinking the Extraterrestrial Highway to Rachael, Nv, Alien Inn for breakfast, then just roam ... pretty country out there ... stark deserted, desert like ... but pretty.

I'll do the three hole maintenance before I go, check her all out and leave bright and early Sunday May 5.
yea yea ... I'm a moderator, but, that don't mean I know what I'm doing ... :blush:

Does anyone know if you can upload a sound file? I thought I'd "record" the Fat Bottom Girl at idle and maybe clearing her throat. (Not even sure how to do that yet ... LOL).

I can do a video with my phone, but, I don't think I can upload that without some sort of hosting thing. Alan don't do social Media unless you count TT.

Record as a video, then upload to youtube. Then upload youtube to here.

I'm one of the most computer illiterates around and I can do it, so I'm sure you can too. ;)
Alan, all that work, and knee thing, you need a break, the road trip sounds like the just the thing.

Now it's the Fast Bottom Girl, might be better name, you've been getting on the throttle lately. Safe journey.
A Diversion Is A Good Thing!

Nothing like getting away from it all. Gets things into perspective as to why we put ourselves through making these extra efforts.
Pretty Nice Day

Went and played monopoly with the geezers at the Va ... yep ... kicked my b$tt again ... but as previously stated ... THEY CHEAT

After that .. I rode home. The ride home today was the first ride since doing the exhaust that I had ridden her without either the helmet or my Russian winter hat. I gotta say ... the Fat Bottom Girl is a little louder than I thought. Okay, a lot. I must be getting old .. not sure I can deal with the noise level where it is on an around town ride with my ears not covered.

So ... I decided to go ahead and order a pair of the Fuel Moto E-Series FLH Slip Ons. These should be just a tad louder but deeper than stock.

Fuel Moto E-Series.jpg

They will look good as well. The Vance and Hines are nice at 75 mph when you're "out running" the noise ... LOL. Glad I didn't pay much for them, 2006 model used .. they look good under the trike ... but I need it to be a tad mellower.

While i was on a roll, I figured, I'd get the last two things I want ordered. "Kuryakyn ISO Grips and the Kuryakyn extended brake lever, same length, but, laid flatter. I may still need to order the tour pak relocator from DK, but, that will be after my Mesquite/Meandering run.

My USN Veteran "Pins" came today. I ground down the pin parts, installed Gorilla Tape on the back and gave them two coats of Verathane with UV Protection. When they dry, I'll mount them on the fender skirt and mount that on the Trike.

So that is a wrap for the day.
Good of you to quiet down the FBG... thinking of Harley’s hearing. Dogs have such acute hearing. I never play the music system in my car when they are with me as I enjoy lots of volume but know it would be painful for them.
Sunday AM

Yea ... he isn't upset by loud noise ... but ... couldn't hurt to be a little more quiet. Even for the old fart hanging on to the bars.

Welp ... got a call about the God dog, last evening .... apparently, she hurt her leg "playing" with the cats. I told her mom to bring her back by and I would keep her a little longer so she could heal a little longer without the distractions of the other animals ... here the God dog has Harley to play with, but, he's getting old and can only go about 10-15 minutes ... after that, he needs a rest (Guess it's true, a dog and his owner do mimic each other). Jillie was here about 5 minutes and she was walking better. I'm thinking her Old God Dad's boring calm life is good for her to heal.

Okay ... on to the "project".

I woke at 4:30 which is my norm. Of course, I go to bed at 8:30 so ... I'm getting a full 8 hours sleep ... LOL. Took the dogs out and came in and checked on the USN badging. Completely dry and ready to mount. Attached one to each side of the fender skirt and put three layers of micro fiber towel on them (I use the ones that I've used for waxing, etc ... for regular rags, I don't reuse them for waxing unless I wash them in the machine and then only if I can't "feel" any "stuff" on them ... rare I reuse them, they are so cheap at Harbor Freight). Then I put a clamp on each side to hold them together until the Gorilla tape gets friendly with the fender skirt, about a half hour.

Voila, here's the finished project. When it gets light this morning I'll put the skirt on the FBG.

2019-04-14 05.23.06.jpg

2019-04-14 05.23.16.jpg
Nice afternoon

It was nice and the Masters was over ... so I took the dogs out (I have a portable run I set up for them) and did the install of the fender skirt.

2019-04-14 13.04.05.jpg

2019-04-14 13.05.01.jpg

The dogs where having a good time outside barking at me occasionally and laying in the sun, so I decided to see how the ceramic stuff cleans up after the exhaust swap, the fender skirt install and rides.

All I did was a quick clean with the Honda cleaner/waxer and a micro fiber towel ... took about 20 minutes. Forgive me ... didn't take any pics. But, I was kind of amazed at some things. Almost 300 miles since the ceramic stuff was done, lots of highway miles which around here means lots of bugs. The bugs wiped off really easily. The dust was gone in seconds. I'm liking this ceramic stuff. Hope it lasts two years. Even if it only lasts a season, give me something to do over the winter.

Next I played around with the trunk storage. Three weeks from today and I'll be heading to Mesquite. I put the 2 gallon RotoPax gas can on the floor of the trunk. Fits between the two tool bags. The extension, breaker bar, socket, torque wrench and Jack (this stuff for the wheels) fit all the way forward. I still have room for my four Cabella bags. One has nasty weather stuff. One will carry my clothes. One will carry the CPAP, Laptop, Chargers, Coffee Pot, Coffee, etc. The forth will primarily carry stuff for Harley when he goes. So for the Mesquite trip, I'll only bring three bags.

Brought the dogs in and they were pretty tired after their fresh air outing ... LOL ... My God Dog loves to sleep between my legs ... comfy for her ... for me ... not so much.

2019-04-14 07.55.11.jpg

So that is Sunday in a nut shell ... guess that makes me the nut.
Well it sure is coming together, hope you like those e series mufflers, they aren't cheap. I have to ask or maybe I missed it, what kind of ceramic did you use, went back a few pages and I couldn't find what you used, thinking of it for my 2018 but then as anal as I am I don't think I will need it, I have used turtle wax ice liquid that you apply not the spray and very happy with it on my other bikes.

All for now Trampas
Well it sure is coming together, hope you like those e series mufflers, they aren't cheap. I have to ask or maybe I missed it, what kind of ceramic did you use, went back a few pages and I couldn't find what you used, thinking of it for my 2018 but then as anal as I am I don't think I will need it, I have used turtle wax ice liquid that you apply not the spray and very happy with it on my other bikes.

All for now Trampas

Check out this thread ... lots of stuff about it ... I posted lots in it about my experience.

Here's a taste:


Left Rear Side.jpg

Right Faring.jpg
Wow! You're cranking out the upgrades! I'm liking how retired life looks for you!!! :)

You're going to like those Series E's.

Sounds like you have a nice trip planned out.


Most of the stuff I have ... or got cheap on flea bay ... I bought the V&H's but only paid $150 shipped, had the head pipe, had the stage one, had all the boards, pegs, had the backrest, had the windshield, had the Sirius Module, had the mirrors and butler, had the digital dipstick and the quick check trans dip stick, had all the Calvary stuff, had the AMG badging, had the ceramic, bought the rear bumper for $161 and change shipped. Had the power Vision (Learned my lesson about selling that ... LOL. With the stuff I ordered this weekend I'm still around $!k. Wait, actually spent $$ for Harley's pet palace ... Thanks Tonka. So maybe $1500 with the PV new license and the Comfort lift and Rider board relocators. The only things that are on the wish list now (and this list is subject to change):

Tour Pak relocator - DK

Oil filter relocator/cooler - DK

Luv Jug thingies - Zook

Mini Apes - HD Dealer in Frederick, Co.

Rake Kit - Zook (not sure I need this ... but might want it .. LOL)

Last and certainly not least ... I would love to have Counts Kustom (Ryan) paint her pearl white with just a touch of black cherry pearl, and lettering and pin stripes in black cherry pearl ... this may be a pipe dream.

I am looking forward to the E-series, along with your recommendation, I've had several other people tell me if I wanna make quieter power, that's the way to go.

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