Making the Fat Bottom Girl an "AMG" Edition.

So what’s with the white trike in the last picture? You left home on a black trike according to earlier pics...?

It's just a pic of the 15 with the adjustable passenger board mounts ... they have been on several bike/trikes ... they are in a bag right now ... probably get installed tomorrow. Not sure why I'm gonna install them, even at their highest point, Harley can't reach them. And he's my only co rider.
New Style Highway Peg Mounts

So, before the trip I saw these on eBay, New Old Stock for $25. Normally at Harley they are around $50. My issue with the mounts I had was I could not get my legs 100% stretched out unless I put my heal on the peg. Not the most comfortable position. So I bought these:

Engine Guard Mounting Kit.jpg

I didn't install them before I left because I wanted to see on a long trip was it me or the mounts. I was right, the mounts where just too close, by like an inch.

Here's what they look like mounted


L  D Done.jpg

L SB Done.jpg


R D Done.jpg

R SB Done.jpg


Front Done.jpg

Front Up.jpg

As you can see, the little Man had to supervise ... :D ... he's not very helpful, but he's cute.

Two things to consider, or tips if you will, if you think you might like these on your ride.

1) you need to ensure you put them low enough to get a gap between the lower faring and the mount. It would be really easy to have these mounts touching the lower faring and with the vibration destroy the paint.

Here's where I'm talking about, you can see the gap:

View attachment 71642

2) There is not enough room to get an allen wrench into the inside screw if you mount them more to the back instead of the front. I didn't need like 2", just about an inch. If you have longer legs than me, you can get another inch by flipping them over. I was able to tighten the inside screw while the outside was very loose. Then I "tapped" it into place with my palm and tightened the outside screw.


You can see there's not enough room to get a socket with an allen on it, but, the allen wrench works fine. As always, I used blue locktite on the threads.

Now when I sit on the seat, I can extend my legs 100% (maybe like 98%, first thing I learned in boot camp was to never lock my knees). By pushing them out more I also have plenty of room to use the switchblades for my heal. Should be way more comfy. I guess it's the addition of the artificial knees that made this necessary ... but ... I'm ready for the next trip.


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CVO Style Adjustable Passenger Board Mounts

So, I also wanted to install these so I did, no sense having items you paid for without using them, right?, right?, So I did.


L CVO Done.jpg


R CVO Done.jpg

After getting them on, I remembered exactly why I decided to save them when I traded the 11 Ultra (it's the bike they came on). If you look at the picture, you can see that the darby cover is now fully exposed and that makes it easier to remove and you can see it's whole message. On the other side, you have better access to the digital dipstick and the quick release trans dip stick. I know, I know .. I could, in my case, just remove the passenger boards altogether and be done, but, I have all this shiny chrome .... :D

Okay ... so a tip.

Anyone who has ever tried to change the passenger boards or their mounts knows this, but, if it saves just one person from having to go to Harley to get a new ball or spring ... it's worth my time posting about it.

When you take the boards off the mount, make sure you are on a flat surface and maybe put a rag under it. There is a detent ball and spring that holds the passenger board up when you put it up.

OEM Ready.jpg

Here's the spring and ball after I removed the OEM mount:

Spring & Ball.jpg

If you look at the board you can see the dent the detent ball needs to be put in.

Here's the CVO style mount with the spring and ball ready to install the board:

CVO Spring & Ball.jpg

Here's a look at the OEM mount so you can see the hole the spring goes in ... not sure why HD makes three holes, but, the spring goes in the one it fits. Might have something to do with holding grease of HD lube??? Unclear to me, but, everyone I've ever looked at is like that.

Spring Hole.jpg

You need to ensure that the spring and ball stay in their respective spots while you install the board. In my case it's the Kuryakyn's that mount with two screws. The OEM mount with two rods that are held in place by gaps in the rubber pad on the board.

Since the CVO style are only held on with one screw and a peg, I need to clean up the hole the OEM mounted with and touch up the paint.

Lastly, I noticed today while getting the rest of the "stuff" I took out of the trunk and putting the tools back, The E-Series are showing some signs of maybe the trike is running a tad rich.


It's interesting that the left one is showing more signs ... usually the right does. Since about 80-90% of this trip was highway, might do some more highway (70 mph) tuning to help with this. Since it was chilly before I left I only did like 2 runs. Who knows, maybe I can coax another mph or two out of the trike ... LOL ... maybe not.
Playing with the ET Highway Sign

Remember this:

2019-05-14 08.43.59.jpg

I do not have photo shop, just preview on the Mac, so this is a little rough:

ETFBG Phone.jpg

I basically inserted the trike in this picture:


I tried to just put the sign in the picture, but then the UFO's weren't there ... :D

Is there anyway to post videos without like U Tube or some other service?

I was going through the few videos I took on my trip. There is one I'd really like to post. It's a short one that you can hear how quiet the E-series pipes are. You can barely hear them ... but the audio book comes through really clear.

Maybe a way to pull just the audio track out and post that??
1" Tank Lift w?delux option and Air Deflector Wings

Okay, so as is my norm I woke at 4:30. Decided to "polish" the tank lift. Big mistake ... LOL ... had cotton fibers all over my bed room. Who knew the $4 polishing kit from harbor freight would spit them out at first. Once it did ... might as well keep going. Here's a comparison.

2019-05-17 05.12.11.jpg

It did a pretty good job. In hindsight, I should have gotten the black ones. You will see what I mean later.

Okay, when mr sun came up, I headed out to install these and the air deflector wings.

Step one was to remove the seat. Having done this before on my 15 Tri, I opted to cheat a bit. I put the 1/2" spacers in the back of the tank first. Having the back of the tank up an additional 1/2" made lifting the front easier IMHO. I put the longer screws in and left them just short of hand tight.

Next I removed the front tank bolts and rolled some rags into a ball that would roughly fit under the tank on the backbone to keep it close to the right height.

Next step, I put the lift on the tank with blue locktite, but, left them hand tight.


TL Left.jpg


TL Right.jpg

Next I installed the air deflector wings.


AD Left.jpg


AD Right.jpg

Those pics are taken after tightening all the hardware. (I forgot to get pics while putting them on. I recommend a rag over the lower faring to prevent scratching while getting everything aligned).

Next was to tighten down all the hardware. This can be challenging. Not a lot of room there. I used a shorty wrench to tighten the tank to tank lift nuts.

Shorty Wrench.jpg

The tank lift to frame bolts I was able to get an allen socket on them. What makes the hardware thing so challenging is the wire harness running down the backbone near the tank bolts.

So, with everything tight (didn't show anything on the deluxe part ... just two bolts and spacers) ... the last step was to test for clearance. I did have to bend the air deflectors just a tad to get them to not touch the lower faring. Not a big deal.

Right Gap:

Gap Right.jpg

Left Gap:

Gap Left.jpg

Center Gap:

Gap Center.jpg

Okay, so all installed and the seat put back on. Let's talk review:

Took the trike for a test ride (Mom wanted me to take a package to UPS for her). It was 65* so I just hopped on the trike and headed out (shorts .. :D). Dropped the package off and decided to do a 10 mile retune on the highway. I can attest that the air deflector wings shove a ton of air down on the engine ... my legs where freezing ... LOL. On the other end of the spectrum, the wind buffeting I normally get from between the Batwing faring and lower fairings was significantly less. Part of this might be the 1" lift and 1/2" rear lift, can't tell. On my 15 Tri I did the 2" and 1/2" deluxe, if I remember right. I don't remember a lot of reduced wind buffeting.

All in all, I like the air management of the two items together ... :D

Okay, did you figure out why, in hindsight, I should have gone with the black lifts? LOL ... with the wings, there is only about 3/4 of the top of the tank lift showing. With a larger lift, I'm sure they would show more. I do like the look of the CNC cut ones though, much cleaner.
Geezer Day

More of the same ... got my b$tt whipped at monopoly ... again.

Did get my notice that the DMV has finished my paperwork ... only a day late ... the Temp expired yesterday, but my dealer sent me a new one before I left for Mesquite. Made an appointment for the 21st. Wouldn't let me do them online since my temp had expired ... LOL ... great system they have.
this was done with an audio book at a comfortable level for my hearing ... might be too loud for you ... LOL.

I had a half helmet on and was just tooling around Nevada.

Hey! You didn't stop at the stop sign!!! :laugh:

Now, take this the right way...I thought you were on a Harley Tri Glide, did not know you got back on a Honda!

Just kidding you, the same way we do Devin with his Series E's. Those are really good power producing Slip-ons! And a good alternative for a bit of bark, but not a loud note.

Nice post on the steps by step of installing the Tank Lift/CDW combo.

Yep, polishing can be a messy business when using a power buffing wheel. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good to see you're enjoying the benefits of the two.

Oh, yeah, I used the black on my TG with the CDW's. Used the polished on my Softail, where it really shows/matches with all the chrome.


Okay, so as is my norm I woke at 4:30. Decided to "polish" the tank lift. Big mistake ... LOL ... had cotton fibers all over my bed room. Who knew the $4 polishing kit from harbor freight would spit them out at first. Once it did ... might as well keep going. Here's a comparison.

View attachment 71716

It did a pretty good job. In hindsight, I should have gotten the black ones. You will see what I mean later.

Okay, when mr sun came up, I headed out to install these and the air deflector wings.

Step one was to remove the seat. Having done this before on my 15 Tri, I opted to cheat a bit. I put the 1/2" spacers in the back of the tank first. Having the back of the tank up an additional 1/2" made lifting the front easier IMHO. I put the longer screws in and left them just short of hand tight.

Next I removed the front tank bolts and rolled some rags into a ball that would roughly fit under the tank on the backbone to keep it close to the right height.

Next step, I put the lift on the tank with blue locktite, but, left them hand tight.


View attachment 71717


View attachment 71718

Next I installed the air deflector wings.


View attachment 71719


View attachment 71720

Those pics are taken after tightening all the hardware. (I forgot to get pics while putting them on. I recommend a rag over the lower faring to prevent scratching while getting everything aligned).

Next was to tighten down all the hardware. This can be challenging. Not a lot of room there. I used a shorty wrench to tighten the tank to tank lift nuts.

View attachment 71721

The tank lift to frame bolts I was able to get an allen socket on them. What makes the hardware thing so challenging is the wire harness running down the backbone near the tank bolts.

So, with everything tight (didn't show anything on the deluxe part ... just two bolts and spacers) ... the last step was to test for clearance. I did have to bend the air deflectors just a tad to get them to not touch the lower faring. Not a big deal.

Right Gap:

View attachment 71722

Left Gap:

View attachment 71723

Center Gap:

View attachment 71724

Okay, so all installed and the seat put back on. Let's talk review:

Took the trike for a test ride (Mom wanted me to take a package to UPS for her). It was 65* so I just hopped on the trike and headed out (shorts .. :D). Dropped the package off and decided to do a 10 mile retune on the highway. I can attest that the air deflector wings shove a ton of air down on the engine ... my legs where freezing ... LOL. On the other end of the spectrum, the wind buffeting I normally get from between the Batwing faring and lower fairings was significantly less. Part of this might be the 1" lift and 1/2" rear lift, can't tell. On my 15 Tri I did the 2" and 1/2" deluxe, if I remember right. I don't remember a lot of reduced wind buffeting.

All in all, I like the air management of the two items together ... :D

Okay, did you figure out why, in hindsight, I should have gone with the black lifts? LOL ... with the wings, there is only about 3/4 of the top of the tank lift showing. With a larger lift, I'm sure they would show more. I do like the look of the CNC cut ones though, much cleaner.
Hey! You didn't stop at the stop sign!!! :laugh:

Now, take this the right way...I thought you were on a Harley Tri Glide, did not know you got back on a Honda!

Just kidding you, the same way we do Devin with his Series E's. Those are really good power producing Slip-ons! And a good alternative for a bit of bark, but not a loud note.


I knew I'd catch some grief about the stop sign ... but, when you have not seen another car in 15 minutes, and you can see for miles ... what the hay ... took a chance Johnny Law wasn't around ... as it turned out ... just rattlesnakes. :D

Ya know ... I'm loving that the Tri is so quiet ... there was a couple at the hotel and they came over to check out the Tri when I came into the lot. They where on a 2017 Ultra Limited. He was looking for a set of quiet pipes that could produce good power ... he loved the sounds the E-Series make.

Did you notice the acceleration to 70 mph getting on I15 ... almost no real bark ... just strong pulling.

All in all, I'm loving the whole package done to the Fat Bottom Girl.

It will be interesting to see what I need to do to modify the adjustable tour pak relocator to be able to use it on the tri ... Kuryakyn says they don't work ... I'm betting they will ... well, after an Alan mod ...:D
Tour Pak Removal

Okay ... so I've been wanting to get the arm rests off, couple that with the Tour Pak Relocator will be here tomorrow :D ... and the rain we are supposed to get, and it seemed like a good time to remove them. These things are very stout and I really hated the look. Although, I did put my credit card in the left one while riding to and from Mesquite. Left the wallet in the tour pak so I wasn't sitting on it all the way.

Removing the tour pak is pretty straight forward, kind of awkward, but, easy. First you remove the tour pak liner. Two screws on the lanyard, but, ensure you support the lid. It's easy to break the tour pak where the hinges are if you don't. Next remove the seat, then disconnect the 4 wire electrical connectors to the tour pak and remove the 6 nuts inside in the top of the trunk. I highly recommend you are ready before you undue the 6 nuts. I have a collapsible table that I put my cardboard on. Since I want access to the bottom, I took off the antenna's and flags, then put it upside down on the luggage rack.

Tour Pak Off.jpg

Next I spent a few minutes cleaning the dirt from under there. Might do the ceramic stuff under there before I put it back together, time will tell, but, probably since my new bottle came.

I removed the two screws that hold on the arm rest to the mounts.

Arm Rest in Mount.jpg

Then the arm rests themselves. I'm not gonna remove the mounts, they are black and blend in with the trunk. Also, with three extra inches of tour pak clearance, I may be able to put the arm rests back on if I need them to hold the pet palace in place. Don't think I will, we'll see. Also, there would be four pretty big holes in the trunk ... LOL. I know the mounts are sealed, so gonna leave well enough alone.

Arm Rest Mount.jpg

Here's the Arm Rest itself

Arm Rest.jpg

Here's the trike without the tour pak

Trike San sour Pak.jpg

I finished just in time to get the trike backed into the garage. The the rain came. We are supposed to have rain for the next three days, so now I can spend a little time modifying the relocator if I need to. I will also have plenty of room to put everything back together. And, if the relocator is delayed, I can ride the trike sans tour pak if I want ... checked, the tail lights and turn signals work ... :D

So now I wait, knowing UPS, it won't be here until late tomorrow. That's okay, I have an appointment with the DMV to get my plates tomorrow ... I got the letter saying the paperwork was done Saturday, one day after my original 60 day temp expired. Fortunately the dealer emailed me a new one before i headed out for Mesquite, so I'm good until July 8th. :D Also, I have a follow up appointment with the Neurologist about my numb middle finger. So, won't be able to work on it until later in the day anyway.
Adjustable Tour Pak Relocator

Okay, so I waited all day and at 6:30 PM Mr. UPS showed up with the Kuryakyn Adjustable Tour Pak Relocator. Poor guy was soaked to the skin, we were getting torrential rain. He was nice and brought it right to my door.

Of course, even though I had about 1 1/2 Hours of sunlight, with the rain, I was not too receptive to going out into the rain.

I was dying to see what kind of Alan Mod I would need to make. Turns out, all I needed to do was to notch the OEM mount so that the retention screw can be put in to the relocation base after it's mounted to the OEM Bracket. This screw locks the two halves of the relocator together so the Tour Pak can't fall off and, prevents someone from unlatching the four latches and stealing your tour pack. When installed, it's almost imposible to remove the stop.

Here's the notch aligned with the screw hole:


Here's the Retention Screw and lock screw installed:

Notch w:Stop.jpg

Here is the relocator mounted to the OEM bracket and in the full forward position:


Same assembly but with the full 3" of back movement:


This is a pretty well made unit. I think this will be a great addition to the Fat Bottom Girl ... If I need more room, IE for the pet palace, just release the four levers, slide it back and lock it down. Another benefit will be I can use the stock seat screw ... just move the Tour Pak back.

It comes with a longer filler piece, so now I have two ... LOL.

Tomorrow, I'll bolt the Tour Pak to the top and mount it to the trike. More pics after that.

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