2000+ Posts
I now ride a 2010 Honda Goldwing w/ a Roadsmith TRIKE kit
it now has 75,500 miles of happy miles on it...{and running great}
I am now 73 yrs old and lucky enough to be good health.... (heck I still walk 3-6 miles everyday) and go to an exercise class, every T &Thurs.
BUT I've been thinking about purchasing a Can Am spyder for my next bike'n adventure.... The nearest Spyder salesroom is only 7 miles up the road...
Now that I've gone three wheels , I'll never go back to 2
I can buy another Goldwing and have it converted to another R/Smith... BUT the nearest R/S installer is over 135 miles away.. and I had alot of B/S with this installer, and I really don't want to be involved with that installer ever again..Plus the Down/time, of waiting for my bike to be TRIKED out, is also something that I don't want to have to do.... I just want too buy and ride!!!
So anyways, HOW MANY CAN AM SYPDER rider'rrrr do we have on this board??? and r u happy with it??
it now has 75,500 miles of happy miles on it...{and running great}
I am now 73 yrs old and lucky enough to be good health.... (heck I still walk 3-6 miles everyday) and go to an exercise class, every T &Thurs.
BUT I've been thinking about purchasing a Can Am spyder for my next bike'n adventure.... The nearest Spyder salesroom is only 7 miles up the road...
Now that I've gone three wheels , I'll never go back to 2
I can buy another Goldwing and have it converted to another R/Smith... BUT the nearest R/S installer is over 135 miles away.. and I had alot of B/S with this installer, and I really don't want to be involved with that installer ever again..Plus the Down/time, of waiting for my bike to be TRIKED out, is also something that I don't want to have to do.... I just want too buy and ride!!!
So anyways, HOW MANY CAN AM SYPDER rider'rrrr do we have on this board??? and r u happy with it??