Bumper on Daytona CSC body

how to r&r rear bumper on CSC daytona body
Are you asking how to replace or repair the bumper on a CSC Daytona body.

The bumper does come off. A good body shop can usually repair that damage - depending on how bad it is.

If very bad, ask CSC - perhaps they can sell you a replacement
Make sure to check for hidden fasteners near the wheel wells and under the trunk area those can be easy to miss on the CSC Daytona.
thanks the trunk carpet had to be pulled up and then 3 rear bolts plus 2 side ones removed and off came "bumper" to the body shop it went
what muffles can be installed on 2016 Harley 103 with Daytona body to give nice RUMBLE

Non, other than the ones supplied by CSC because there is not enough clearance in axle area to accommodate slip-ons. CSC uses a Super Trap style of baffle discs that can be removed to increase the sound.
Non other than the ones supplied by CSC because there is not enough clearance in axle area to accommodate slip-ons. CSC uses a Super Trap style of baffle discs that can be removed to increase the sound.
I took mine & drilled a 1/2" hole in the end of super trap cap a lot better sound next trip out 3/4" hole next trip 1 and 1\4" hole sounds good now, it seems to have cut down on heat quite a bit. I had removed all the disc & cap it sounded like shit & had a lot less power.

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