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    • Fowler
      Fowler replied to the thread 88 blazer trike.
      I'm done with it on this side. Well actually after I primered the it I see a few things I could have done. Luckily I can do them with...
      • IMG20240726092755.jpg
    • Fowler
      Fowler replied to the thread 88 blazer trike.
      I did finish that brace and started the cleanup but I had to quit. I did not sleep Saturday night. Saturday is our big workout night...
    • Fowler
      Fowler replied to the thread 88 blazer trike.
      Now that the heat has let up I was able to get out and work on the trike. I thought I finished all the welding and fabrication I needed...
    • Fowler
      Fowler replied to the thread 88 blazer trike.
      I have wanted to get back out and work on my trike but the Ol'Lady won't let me. I had a medical issue the other day and I have been...
    • Fowler
      Fowler replied to the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION.
      I had a similar situation happen to me in the Army while doing some training. The training was a couple/few months long. I was loaded...
    • Fowler
      Fowler replied to the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION.
      I ended up in the ER yesterday. In the morning I went for a normal Podiatry appointment at VA. They took my BP it was around 80/40...
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to Burnerboy's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      I keep water near by, when walking in this heat... BUT I also keep beer near by, when NOT walk'n, or I'm work'n on my bike (in the...
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to GrumpyVet's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      Roger that, happened to me at jump school- Georgia, in July- 90 degree heat and I swear that much humidity! Was "listing" a good 20-25...
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to Jack Klarich's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      When you stop sweating you are already in trouble
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to GrumpyVet's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      This is going to sound dumb, what color was your pee?
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to Old Road Dog's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      Get your Heine to the ER. I know heat exhaustion very well having treated men in desert conditions. 24 years ago I had the same symptoms...
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to Phu Cat's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      Fowler, Maybe 20 years ago I had a similar experience. We were playing softball in the hot sun after having a beer and hitting a J...
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to Jack Klarich's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      Sure sounds like heat stroke to me, drink lots of fluids, rest and keep an eye out for no sweat, that is the worst case scenario
    • Fowler
      Fowler reacted to LarryA's post in the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION with Thanks Thanks.
      Maybe take is easier till the heat is gone...keep the Gatorade handy Bob.
    • Fowler
      Fowler posted the thread HEAT EXHAUSTION in General Discussion.
      Hey everyone PLEASE keep an eye on yourself and others with this heat. Last night I was working out in the shop with my son. We lift...
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