In April of this year I posted the information for a trike rally in VT and have gotten no replies. I'm surprised because 9 years ago I attended my first rally and it was held in my home town of Torrington, Ct and was well attended. My wife and I were welcomed into the group that first time and shortly after I purchased my first trike. Since then we attended several of the rallys held at the Grey Ghost Inn in Dover, VT which the first one was a sell out with several couples having to stay elsewhere. When a rally in NH fell apart and no one wanted to do another, John Luciano (Lucky) and myself took it upon ourselves to bring the rallys back, the first three years in the Catskills of NY and then back in Vt.
Please join us again this year at the Kitzoff Inn on RT 100 in West Dover just a few miles north of the Grey Ghost Inn. We still have a few rooms available but you have to call Andrew at the Inn and mention you want to attend the trike rally. The cost includes breakfast Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings, A Thursday night welcome party with snacks, and a BBQ on Saturday night with ribs, chicken and fixens. Andrew is also thinking of doing a light Friday night supper of pulled pork sandwiches, fries, and coleslaw for $12.00 pp.
If the inn is sold out, he will work with an alternative hotel to find you lodging and if you are local or staying elsewhere, the BBQ is $30.00/pp.
This site was my first exposure to the trike community and I have met a lot of good people but changes in the way the site works has made it very difficult to put together a rally and be able to communicate effectively between members so an alternate method had to be used which has gained in membership more than we ever thought, most have never heard of Trike Talk. We are not trying to abandon Trike Talk or pull members away and we always mention this site to our new members, so John and I welcome anyone that would like to go.
Please join us again this year at the Kitzoff Inn on RT 100 in West Dover just a few miles north of the Grey Ghost Inn. We still have a few rooms available but you have to call Andrew at the Inn and mention you want to attend the trike rally. The cost includes breakfast Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings, A Thursday night welcome party with snacks, and a BBQ on Saturday night with ribs, chicken and fixens. Andrew is also thinking of doing a light Friday night supper of pulled pork sandwiches, fries, and coleslaw for $12.00 pp.
If the inn is sold out, he will work with an alternative hotel to find you lodging and if you are local or staying elsewhere, the BBQ is $30.00/pp.
This site was my first exposure to the trike community and I have met a lot of good people but changes in the way the site works has made it very difficult to put together a rally and be able to communicate effectively between members so an alternate method had to be used which has gained in membership more than we ever thought, most have never heard of Trike Talk. We are not trying to abandon Trike Talk or pull members away and we always mention this site to our new members, so John and I welcome anyone that would like to go.